This couchapp shows how to serve static websites directly from CouchDB, using the _attachments field/folder of CouchDB design documents. All files and folders contained within _attachments may be served as static HTTP resources from your own domain, by simply wiring them using two simple rewriting rules (rewrites field).
This app is part of Smileupps Ready to Run Examples. This means installation is as simple as:
- Installing Free Smileupps CouchDB Hosting from Smileupps App Store
- Checking your activation e-mail, which contains links to run it, access or edit its source code.
- Prerequisite: Apache CouchDB. You can download it from the CouchDB official homepage
- Download this repository to your local disk
- Upload this back to your own CouchDB instance, using a CouchDB deployment tool
- Choose a domain name to serve your app
- Configure your DNS settings to point domain name to your CouchDB instance ip address.
- Forward incoming HTTP/S connections to CouchDB port or use a proxy to forward only requests to the above domain.
- configure your CouchDB vhosts configuration to forward your domain to this app design document