This repo has been forked from Refactoring had to be made to allow this plugin to work with TestRail version v7.5.1.7004. Additional features added include begin able to pass variables through via a robot framework--variable file and also a module which allows us to create test runs automatically.
Robot Framework library, listener and pre-run modifiers for working with TestRail.
Add to your project's requirements file:
pip install -r {path_to_requirements_file}
This plugin links tests in your Robot Framework suites to TestRail test cases by tags. Each TestRail Test Case has a unique ID which we tag in a corresponding Robot Framework test cases using the following format in a Robot tag:
E.g a test case exists in TestRail with the ID = 83920 The corresponding automated test representing this test case in Robot Framework should be tagged as follows
Example Test
[Tags] testcaseid=83920
JIRA defect(s)/bug(s) in our Robot Tests can also be added as tags. Defects will be added in the Defects field in TestRail when TestRail test case results are added follow a Robot test run. One or more defects can be tagged as follows:
defects={defect id(s)}
E.g test case exists in TestRail
Example Test
[Tags] testcaseid=83920 defects=EG-123,EG-321
- Used as a robot --prerunmodifier
- Creates a test run in testrail which includes cases for tests which will be executed for a given robot command
- Tests can be filtered using the --include/-i tagging option in the robot command
- Tests can be filtered using the --exclude/-i tagging option in the robot command
- Used as robot --prerunmodifier
- Runs robot suites/test cases based on cases present in a testrail run
- Used as a robot --listener
- Updates a TestRail test run with results from a robot test run
Each module can be configured in the command line or in a python variable file passed to robot.
Once the test run has been created the TestRail test run ID will be written to the testRail.yml
- server: name of TestRail server (string) *required
- protocol: http/https (string) *required
- user: TestRail username (string) *required
- password: TestRail API Key (string) *required
- projectId: ID of the Testrail project to create the test run in (int) *required
- testRunTitlePrefix: Prefix to add to the title/name of the test run (string) *optional
Set Variables in the command line
robot --prerunmodifier TestRailCreateRun:{server}:{user}:{password}:{protocol}:{projectId}:{testRunTitlePrefix} -i includedTags -e excludedTags path/to/tests/*
Set Variables in a variable file
variable file named
Insert testRailConfig into robot command:
robot --prerunmodifier TestRailCreateRun --variableFile -i includedTags -e excludedTags path/to/tests*
Command Examples
robot --prerunmodifier TestRailCreateRun --variableFile -i includedTags -e excludedTags path/to/tests*
Will create a test run in the provided TestRail project which contains tests from robot suites in the path/to/tests* directories which have a testrailid tag, have a tag matching the includedTag but don't have the tag excluded tag.
robot --prerunmodifier TestRailCreateRun --variableFile path/to/tests*
Will create a test run in the provided TestRail project which contains all tests from robot suites in the path/to/tests* directories which have a testrailid tag
- server: name of TestRail server (string) *required
- protocol: http/ https (string) *required
- user: TestRail username (string) *required
- password: TestRail API Key (string) *required
- run_id: testRail run id (int) *optional
- results_depth: analysis depth of run results *optional
- status_names: name of test statuses in TestRail *optional
Set Variables in the command line
robot --prerunmodifier TestRailExecuteTestRun:{server}:{user}:{password}:{protocol}:{results_depth}:{status1}:{status2} path/to/tests/*
Set Variables in a variable file
variable file named
TESTRAIL_RUN_ID = {run_id}
RESULTS_DEPTH = '{results_depth}'
CASE_STATUSES_TO_RUN = 'status1, status2'
Insert testRailConfig into robot command:
robot --prerunmodifier TestRailExecuteTestRun --variableFile -i includedTags -e excludedTags path/to/tests*
Command Examples
robot --prerunmodifier TestRailExecuteTestRun --variableFile path/to/tests*
Assuming we have test the TESTRAIL_RUN_ID variables in the file the tests from this run will be executed if the have a status which matches a status in the CASE_STATUSES_TO_RUN variable.
robot --prerunmodifier TestRailCreateRun --prerunmodifier TestRailExecuteTestRun --variableFile path/to/tests*
Assuming we have not set a TESTRAIL_RUN_ID variable in the file. The TestRailCreateRun prerunmodifier will create a test run from all suites/tests in the path/to/tests* directories which have a testrailid tag. The run_id of this test run will be written to the testRail.yml
file. The testRailExecuteTestRun will read the testRail.yml and pick up the run_id and then only run tests from this run.
- server: name of TestRail server (string) *required
- protocol: http/ https (string) *required
- user: TestRail username (string) *required
- password: TestRail API Key (string) *required
- run_id: Testrail run Id (int) *optional
- juggler_disable: indicator to disable juggler logic; if exists, then juggler logic will be disabled (str) *optional - defaults to off
- update: indicator to update test case in TestRail; if exist, then test will be updated (str) *optional - defaults to off
Set Variables in the command line
robot --listener TestRailListener:{server}:{user}:{password}:{protocol}:{run_id}:{juggler_disable}:{update} path/to/tests/*
Set Variables in a variable file
variable file named
TESTRAIL_RUN_ID = {run_id}
JUGGLER_DISABLE = '{juggler_disable}'
UPDATE_TEST_CASES = '{update}'
Insert testRailConfig into robot command:
robot --listener TestRailListener --variableFile path/to/tests/*
Command Examples
robot --prerunmodifier TestRailCreateRun --prerunmodifier TestRailExecuteTestRun --listener TestRailListener --variableFile path/to/tests*
Assuming we have not set a TESTRAIL_RUN_ID variable in the file. The TestRailCreateRun prerunmodifier will create a test run from all suites/tests in the path/to/tests* directories which have a testrailid tag. The run_id of this test run will be written to the testRail.yml
file. The testRailExecuteTestRun will read the testRail.yml and pick up the run_id and then only run tests from this run. The TestRailListener module will then update the test cases in TestRail with the results from the tests.
Robot Framework library, listener and pre-run modifiers for working with TestRail.
Fixing of testing results and updating test cases.
Create custom field "case_description" with type "text", which corresponds to the Robot Framework's test case documentation.
Create Robot test:
*** Test Cases *** Autotest name [Documentation] Autotest documentation [Tags] testrailid=10 defects=BUG-1, BUG-2 references=REF-3, REF-4 Fail Test fail message
3. Run Robot Framework with listener:
pybot --listener robot_suite.robot ```
Test with case_id=10 will be marked as failed in TestRail with message "Test fail message" and defects "BUG-1, BUG-2".
Also title, description and references of this test will be updated in TestRail. Parameter "update" is optional.
### TestRail Pre-run Modifier
Pre-run modifier for starting test cases from a certain test run.
#### Example
1. Create Robot test:
*** Test Cases *** Autotest name 1 [Documentation] Autotest 1 documentation [Tags] testrailid=10 Fail Test fail message Autotest name 2 [Documentation] Autotest 2 documentation [Tags] testrailid=11 Fail Test fail message
Run Robot Framework with pre-run modifier:
pybot --prerunmodifier TestRailPreRunModifier:testrail_server_name:tester_user_name:tester_user_password:run_id:http:results_depth robot_suite.robot ```
Only test cases that are included in the test run run_id will be executed.
To execute tests from TestRail test run only with a certain status, for example "failed" and "blocked":
pybot --prerunmodifier TestRailPreRunModifier:testrail_server_name:tester_user_name:tester_user_password:run_ind:http:results_depth:failed:blocked robot_suite.robot ```
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