The official Slide Bar Repo
lol this needs work
send me a pm with your email and I can add you to the slack channel
- recommend using eclipse (instructions are for eclipse)
- Clone or download SlideBar repo
- Open new project and select the repo as a directory (File -> Open Projects from File System)
- browse to the repo by clicking Directory...
- select to project to Import as a maven project
- repeat steps 1-4 with the SlideBar-API repo
- navigate to run configurations (Run -> Run configurations)
- Create a new Maven build by right clicking on maven build and selecting new
- give it a unique name. example "mavenSlideBar".
- base directory -> "${workspace_loc:/slidebar}".
- goals -> "clean package -DskipTests"
- Apply
- setup the slidebar-API project
- Create a new Maven build by right clicking on maven build and selecting new
- give it a unique name. example "mavenSlideBarAPI".
- base directory -> "${workspace_loc:/slidebar-api}".
- goals -> "clean compile install"
- apply and run
- after completetion, run the first maven build (example mavenSlideBar) created in step 1
run "" as a java application after building the slidebar-api and the slidebar repo
run "" as a java application after building the slidebar-api and the slidebar repo