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[MICCAI 2023] TractCloud: Registration-free tractography parcellation with a novel local-global streamline point cloud representation


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This repository releases the source code, training data, trained model, and testing samples for the work, "TractCloud: Registration-free tractography parcellation with a novel local-global streamline point cloud representation", which is accepted by MICCAI 2023.



The contents of this repository are released under an Slicer license.


The environment test was performed on RTX4090 and A5000

conda create --name TractCloud python=3.8

conda activate TractCloud

conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch

conda install -c fvcore -c iopath -c conda-forge fvcore iopath

conda install -c bottler nvidiacub

pip install pytorch3d

pip install git+

pip install h5py

pip install seaborn

pip install scikit-learn

pip install openpyxl

Training on anatomically curated atlas (ORG atlas)

The ORG atlas used in training is available at You can directly download our processed data at (1 million streamlines, 800 clusters & 800 outliers).

  1. Download TrainData_800clu800ol.tar.gz to ./ and tar -xzvf TrainData_800clu800ol.tar.gz
  2. Run cd ./train_test && sh

Training on your custom dataset

Your input streamline features should have size of (number_streamlines, number_points_per_streamline, 3), and size of labels is (number_streamlines, ). You may save/load features and labels using .pickle files.

Train/Validation/Test results and tips

The script calculates the accuracy and f1 on 42 anatomically meaningful tracts and one "Other" category (43 classes).

For training using the setting reported in our paper (k=20, k_global=500), most of CPU memory consumption comes from k. If you get out of CPU memory issue, you can try to reduce the value of k. Most of GPU memory consumption comes from k_global. If you get out of GPU memory issue, you can try to reduce the value of k_global.

Testing on real data (registration-free parcellation)

Use the our trained model to parcellate real tractography data without registration.

  1. Download TrainedModel.tar.gz ( to ./, and tar -xzvf TrainedModel.tar.gz
  2. Download TestData.tar.gz ( to ./, and tar -xzvf TestData.tar.gz
  3. Run cd ./train_test && sh

Visualizing test parcellation results

Install 3D Slicer ( and SlicerDMRI (

vtp/vtk files of 42 anatomically meaningful tracts are in ./parcellation_results/[test_data]/[subject_id]/SS/predictions. "SS" means subject space.

You can visualize them using 3D Slicer.



Please cite the following papers for using the code and/or the training data:

Tengfei Xue, Yuqian Chen, Chaoyi Zhang, Alexandra J. Golby, Nikos Makris, Yogesh Rathi, Weidong Cai, Fan Zhang, Lauren J. O'Donnell 
TractCloud: Registration-free Tractography Parcellation with a Novel Local-global Streamline Point Cloud Representation.
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2023.

Zhang, F., Wu, Y., Norton, I., Rathi, Y., Makris, N., O'Donnell, LJ. 
An anatomically curated fiber clustering white matter atlas for consistent white matter tract parcellation across the lifespan. 
NeuroImage, 2018 (179): 429-447


[MICCAI 2023] TractCloud: Registration-free tractography parcellation with a novel local-global streamline point cloud representation







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