An Ansible script to install pros
Install ansible on your computer.
Instructions taken from Ansible Install for Debian
Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list
deb trusty main
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 93C4A3FD7BB9C367
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ansible
Instructions taken from Ansible Install for Ubuntu
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible
Instructions taken from Ansible Install for Arch
sudo pacman -S ansible
Instructions taken from Ansible Install for Fedora
sudo dnf install ansible
Add , upload=True
after user=
if you want the upload alias added.
sudo ansible-pull -U -e "user="
Logout and back in for the changes to take effect.
This is the list of all operating systems that have been or needs tested. If you run on of these operating systems please give this project a go. If you do please open an issue with your commands and the console output regardless if it worked or not.
- Linux
- Arch
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Debian
- Gentoo
- Fedora 34
- Suse
Linux is all thats officially supported right now OSX and Windows will be coming soon.
- M1
- Windows
- Install ansible.
git clone
cd Pros-Ansible
sudo ansible-playbook --connection=local local.yml -e "user= , upload=True" --check