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Single and multiple histogram reweighting of Markov Chain Monte Carlo samples


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A Julia package for single and multiple histogram1 reweighting à la Ferrenberg and Swendsen.

Calculates the reweighting weights - the "reweights".

1: The nomenclature is kind of misleading. No histogram is actually constructed in the reweighting procedure.

  1. Alan M. Ferrenberg and Robert H. Swendsen "New Monte Carlo technique for studying phase transitions", Physical Review Letters 61 pp. 2635-2638 (1988)
  2. Alan M. Ferrenberg and Robert H. Swendsen "Optimized Monte Carlo data analysis", Physical Review Letters 63 pp. 1195-1198 (1989)


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using FerrenbergSwendsenReweighting #Load package

Say you have a function

logprob(parameter, state)

mapping from a parameter (e.g. temperature) and a state (e.g. energy, or spin configuration, or...) to the logarithm of the probability weight of the state at that parameter. You also have a set (vector) of sampled_states sampled according to the distribution given by exp(logprob(p0, state)) at parameter p0. Then we can find the relative weights of the sampled_states at some other parameter p by

rw = ReweightObj(logprob, p0, sampled_states) #Make reweighting object
weights = evaluate(rw, p1) #Find the weights at some parameter p1
evaluate!(rw, p2, weights) #Find the weights at some parameter p2, evaluated in-place (overwriting `weights`)

If no logprob::Function is provided, i.e.

rw = ReweightObj(p0, sampled_states) #Make reweighting object assuming the Boltzmann distribution

the Boltzmann weight is assumed, i.e. parameter = 1/T, state = energy and logprob(parameter, state) = -parameter*state will be used.

If p0 is a subtype of AbstractVector and sampled_states a subtype of AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector} ("vector of vectors"), it is assumed that we're dealing with several simulation series (p0[1],sampled_states[1]),(p0[2],sampled_states[2]),... and multiple histogram reweighting will be employed. If not, single histogram reweighting is used.

In case of multiple histogram reweighting, we may provide a set of integrated autocorrelation times for each simulation series. If that is not done, the autocorrelation of the autocorrelation_observable(parameter,state) will be used. The default here is autocorrelation_observable = logprob:

typeof(sampled_states) <: AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector} #true
length(p0) == length(sampled_states) == 2 #true

rw = ReweightObj(p0, sampled_states) #Basic Boltzmann distribution reweighting
# or
rw = ReweightObj(logprob, p0, sampled_states) #logprob distribution reweighting
# or
rw = ReweightObj(logprob, p0, sampled_states; essfs=ones(2)) #logprob distribution reweighting, all effective sampling size (ESS) factors set to 1
# or
myobs(parameter,state) = parameter*state^2 #A custom observable
rw = ReweightObj(logprob, p0, sampled_states; autocorrelation_observable = myobs) #logprob distribution reweighting, ESS factor according to the myobs observable

#The rest proceeds as before...
weights = evaluate(rw, p1) #Find the weights at some parameter p1
evaluate!(rw, p2, weights) #Find the weights at some parameter p2, evaluated in-place (overwriting `weights`)


Work in progress

Old Readme + background (needs to be fixed)

For some strange reason Github doesn't support Latex style math... The stuff below will be fixed later/moved to documentation...


  • Single histogram:
    • The logarithm of the probability weight of a configuration $x$ at parameter $\lambda$ (NB: can be a vector!), $s: (\lambda, x) \to \mathbb{R}$.
    • A series of data ${x}$ (in the form of a vector) sampled from the distribution given by $s$ at parameter $\lambda_0$.
    • The parameter $\lambda$ which we want to "reweight to".
  • Multiple histograms:
    • Like above, but now the input is a set of series of data ${{x}_i}$ obtained from samplings at ${\lambda_i}$.
    • We also need to provide information on the effective sample size factor (ESS) (proportional to the inverse integrated autocorrelation time) for an observable $O$ for each series $O$, $\text{ESS}(O, {x}_i)$. Alternatively, if no input is given, the ESS of $O = s$ is used.


A vector of weights associated with the data points. (Or vector of vector of weights, in the case of multiple histograms)


Single histogram reweighting

Given a set of samples ${x}{\lambda_0}$ obtained from some distribution parametrized by $\lambda_0$ (e.g. by a Monte Carlo simulation), we want the (best) set of associated weights ${w}\lambda$ we have to use to get the correct expectation value of observable $O$ at (arbitrary) $\lambda$. In other words, we want to find $w(\lambda, x)$ such that $$ \langle O \rangle_\lambda = \frac{\sum_x w(\lambda, x) O(x)}{\sum_x w(\lambda, x)} $$ Note that by construction $w(\lambda_0, x) = \text{constant}$.

Let the probability weight of a state $x$ at parameter $\lambda$ be given by $$ p(\lambda, x) \propto \exp(s(\lambda, x)) $$ then $$ w(\lambda, x) = \exp[s(\lambda, x) - s(\lambda_0,x)] $$

Multiple histogram reweighting

Now we have a set of set of samples ${{x}{\lambda_i}}​$, each obtained at some $\lambda_i​$. According to Ferrenberg and Swendsen, the optimal weights can be found by solving the nonlinear set of equations given by $$ 1 = \sum_i \sum{x_i } \frac{{g_i}^{-1}\exp[s(\lambda, x_i) - \log Z_\lambda ]}{\sum_j N_j {g_j}^{-1} \exp[s(\lambda_j, x_i) - \log Z_{\lambda_j}]} \quad \forall \lambda \in {\lambda_i} $$ for all ${\log Z_{\lambda_i}}$ (up to an overall constant factor, which can be fixed arbitrarily). Here $g_i = 2\tau_{\text{int}, i} \ge 1$, with $\tau_{\text{int},i}$ being the integrated autocorrelation time of the simulation series $i$. (Uncorrelated data corresponds to $\tau_\text{int} = 1/2$, i.e. $g=1$.) $N_i$ is the number of samples in series $i$.

Once ${\log Z_{\lambda_i}}$ is found, the weights at an arbitrary $\lambda$ can be found by (ignoring irrelevant constant scaling) $$ w(\lambda, x_i) = \frac{{g_i}^{-1}\exp[s(\lambda, x_i) ]}{\sum_j N_j {g_j}^{-1} \exp[s(\lambda_j, x_i) - \log Z_{\lambda_j}]} $$


  • In solving the nonlinear equation, the scale is fixed such that $Z_{\lambda_1} = 1$.

  • To avoid numerical overflow, the equation solved is actually

  • $$ 1 = \sum_i \sum_{x_i } \frac{{g_i}^{-1}}{\sum_j N_j {g_j}^{-1} \exp[s(\lambda_j, x_i) - s(\lambda, x_i) - \log Z_{\lambda_j} + \log Z_\lambda]} \quad \forall \lambda \in {\lambda_i} $$

    This guarantees that at least the $i = j$ terms give a reasonably large, non-zero contribution to the sum in the denominator. On the other hand, an numerical "infinite" exponential in the denominator simply leads to a zero contribution to the overall sum, thus preventing any overflow instability.

  • The output weights are scaled such sum(weights) = length(weights).


Single and multiple histogram reweighting of Markov Chain Monte Carlo samples







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