A Julia package for single and multiple histogram1 reweighting à la Ferrenberg and Swendsen.
Calculates the reweighting weights - the "reweights".
1: The nomenclature is kind of misleading. No histogram is actually constructed in the reweighting procedure.
- Alan M. Ferrenberg and Robert H. Swendsen "New Monte Carlo technique for studying phase transitions", Physical Review Letters 61 pp. 2635-2638 (1988)
- Alan M. Ferrenberg and Robert H. Swendsen "Optimized Monte Carlo data analysis", Physical Review Letters 63 pp. 1195-1198 (1989)
Sice this package is not (yet) registered, you must install it by cloning. To clone it, use
using FerrenbergSwendsenReweighting #Load package
Say you have a function
logprob(parameter, state)
mapping from a parameter
(e.g. temperature) and a state
(e.g. energy, or spin configuration, or...) to the logarithm of the probability weight of the state
at that parameter
. You also have a set (vector) of sampled_states
sampled according to the distribution given by exp(logprob(p0, state))
at parameter p0
. Then we can find the relative weights
of the sampled_states
at some other parameter p
rw = ReweightObj(logprob, p0, sampled_states) #Make reweighting object
weights = evaluate(rw, p1) #Find the weights at some parameter p1
evaluate!(rw, p2, weights) #Find the weights at some parameter p2, evaluated in-place (overwriting `weights`)
If no logprob::Function
is provided, i.e.
rw = ReweightObj(p0, sampled_states) #Make reweighting object assuming the Boltzmann distribution
the Boltzmann weight is assumed, i.e. parameter = 1/T
, state = energy
and logprob(parameter, state) = -parameter*state
will be used.
If p0
is a subtype of AbstractVector
and sampled_states
a subtype of AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector}
("vector of vectors"), it is assumed that we're dealing with several simulation series (p0[1],sampled_states[1]),(p0[2],sampled_states[2]),...
and multiple histogram reweighting will be employed. If not, single histogram reweighting is used.
In case of multiple histogram reweighting, we may provide a set of integrated autocorrelation times for each simulation series. If that is not done, the autocorrelation of the autocorrelation_observable(parameter,state)
will be used. The default here is autocorrelation_observable = logprob
typeof(sampled_states) <: AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector} #true
length(p0) == length(sampled_states) == 2 #true
rw = ReweightObj(p0, sampled_states) #Basic Boltzmann distribution reweighting
# or
rw = ReweightObj(logprob, p0, sampled_states) #logprob distribution reweighting
# or
rw = ReweightObj(logprob, p0, sampled_states; essfs=ones(2)) #logprob distribution reweighting, all effective sampling size (ESS) factors set to 1
# or
myobs(parameter,state) = parameter*state^2 #A custom observable
rw = ReweightObj(logprob, p0, sampled_states; autocorrelation_observable = myobs) #logprob distribution reweighting, ESS factor according to the myobs observable
#The rest proceeds as before...
weights = evaluate(rw, p1) #Find the weights at some parameter p1
evaluate!(rw, p2, weights) #Find the weights at some parameter p2, evaluated in-place (overwriting `weights`)
Work in progress
For some strange reason Github doesn't support Latex style math... The stuff below will be fixed later/moved to documentation...
- Single histogram:
The logarithm of the probability weight of a configuration
$x$ at parameter$\lambda$ (NB: can be a vector!),$s: (\lambda, x) \to \mathbb{R}$ . - A series of data
${x}$ (in the form of a vector) sampled from the distribution given by$s$ at parameter$\lambda_0$ . - The parameter
$\lambda$ which we want to "reweight to".
The logarithm of the probability weight of a configuration
- Multiple histograms:
- Like above, but now the input is a set of series of data
${{x}_i}$ obtained from samplings at${\lambda_i}$ . - We also need to provide information on the effective sample size factor (ESS) (proportional to the inverse integrated autocorrelation time) for an observable
$O$ for each series$O$ ,$\text{ESS}(O, {x}_i)$ . Alternatively, if no input is given, the ESS of$O = s$ is used.
- Like above, but now the input is a set of series of data
A vector of weights associated with the data points. (Or vector of vector of weights, in the case of multiple histograms)
Given a set of samples ${x}{\lambda_0}$ obtained from some distribution parametrized by $\lambda_0$ (e.g. by a Monte Carlo simulation), we want the (best) set of associated weights ${w}\lambda$ we have to use to get the correct expectation value of observable
Let the probability weight of a state
Now we have a set of set of samples ${{x}{\lambda_i}}$, each obtained at some $\lambda_i$. According to Ferrenberg and Swendsen, the optimal weights can be found by solving the nonlinear set of equations given by
1 = \sum_i \sum{x_i } \frac{{g_i}^{-1}\exp[s(\lambda, x_i) - \log Z_\lambda ]}{\sum_j N_j {g_j}^{-1} \exp[s(\lambda_j, x_i) - \log Z_{\lambda_j}]} \quad \forall \lambda \in {\lambda_i}
for all
In solving the nonlinear equation, the scale is fixed such that
$Z_{\lambda_1} = 1$ . -
To avoid numerical overflow, the equation solved is actually
$$ 1 = \sum_i \sum_{x_i } \frac{{g_i}^{-1}}{\sum_j N_j {g_j}^{-1} \exp[s(\lambda_j, x_i) - s(\lambda, x_i) - \log Z_{\lambda_j} + \log Z_\lambda]} \quad \forall \lambda \in {\lambda_i} $$
This guarantees that at least the
$i = j$ terms give a reasonably large, non-zero contribution to the sum in the denominator. On the other hand, an numerical "infinite" exponential in the denominator simply leads to a zero contribution to the overall sum, thus preventing any overflow instability. -
The output weights are scaled such
sum(weights) = length(weights)