Some scripts for GIF generation/manipulation with ffmpeg
, gifsicle
(and more to follow).
Video to GIF with linux and mac
Video to GIF with windows
The following two scripts are basically this blog entry in script form.
# --help
USAGE: sourceVideo destinationGif [--fps FPS] [ --size WIDTH:HEIGHT] [--at SECONDS] [--runtime SECONDS] [--dither none|bayer|floyd_steinberg|sierra2|sierra2_4a] [--mode full|diff] [--onestep] [--gifsicle]
-f --fps Set the fps. (Default: 15)
-s --size Set the size like WIDTH:HEIGHT. -1 can be used to keep the ratio. (Default: 640:-1)
-a --at Where to begin in the video in seconds or ffmpeg supported time format. (Default: 0)
-r --runtime Duration in seconds or ffmpeg supported time format. (Default: Till end)
-d --dither Dithering mode to use. One of (none|bayer|floyd_steinberg|sierra2|sierra2_4a) (Default: sierra2)
-b --bayer-scale If dither=bayer select the pattern size in the range of 0 - 5. Lower values tend to produce less artefacts but larger images. (DISCLAIMER: i have no clue about such stuff) (Default: 2)
-m --mode 'diff' or 'full'. 'diff' optimize the colors of moving objects at the cost of the background quality. (Default: full)
-v --verbose One of (quiet|fatal|error|warning|info|verbose) (Default: quiet)
-o --onestep Do not generate palette before. Tend to produce worse, but way smaller gifs. Ignores dithering parameter. (Default: Not set)
-g --gifsicle Use gifsicle afterwards to ensure valid gifs.'. (Default: Not set)
###video2gif.bat (windows)###
Basically the above script in interactive form.
To use it download ffmpeg
and extract it. Download the batch script and save it in the same folder as ffmpeg. Call it video2gif.bat
If you want to burn subtitles also create an folder called fonts
and save [this config] ( in it.
To run it double click the video2gif.bat
and follow the instructions.
This script is not supported by me as i don't have a windows install at the moment.