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uSkizzik edited this page Dec 2, 2021 · 6 revisions

Welcome to the Boss Utilities developer wiki!

As the name implies, this is a library providing a lot of boss utilities so developers can do less coding. It allows for boss battle music (synchronized in the future), advanced boss bars, minions, staging system and boss spawning (similarly to the Wither).

This library is mainly utilized and developed for Skizzik & Co. but it will have some additional features that I might not need in that mod. If you need code examples and the ones provided, you can just look at that mod's repo.

Important Notice

Please keep in mind this wiki is temporary and will be moved to as soon as we have the needed tools. The Wiki is also available in our Guilded.


For support related to the library, you can join the Skizzium Discord Server or the Skizzium Guilded and ask for help. I'll look at it as soon as possible.

Getting Started / Installation

To install the library you will need to first add the repo to your build.gradle. Insert the following snippet inside of the repositories part (Not the one in your buildscript!). Please keep in mind that the repository URL will change soon enough to be a part of the Skizzium maven.

maven {
    name 'Boss Utilities'
    url '{MC Version}/mcmodsrepo/'

When you're done with that, you'll need to add the library to your dependencies. Insert the following snippet inside of the dependencies part (Again, not the one in your buildscript!)

implementation fg.deobf("com.skizzium.projectlib:BossUtilities-<Game Version>:<Library Version>")

For the library version, please refer to the README or to the Curse Forge page (We're using Sematic Versioning).


Currently, it doesn't seem to be possible. I tried it myself. I suspect this is due to the FMLModType but the PR for that is still not merged. I'll update this page if I find out a way to shadow the library.

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