is a lightweight collection of string manipulation and validation utilities built for JavaScript and TypeScript projects. This package provides functions to trim, convert, validate, and generate string values efficiently.
You can install the package via npm:
npm install @skipper116/string-utilities
To use any of the functions in your JavaScript or TypeScript project, import them from the package as shown in the examples below.
import {
} from "@skipper116/string-utilities";
// Trim and convert to lowercase
const lower = trimAndLowercase(" Hello World ");
console.log(lower); // Output: 'hello world'
// Convert a string to Title Case
const title = titleCase("hello world from string utilities");
console.log(title); // Output: 'Hello World From String Utilities'
// Convert a string to Kebab Case
const kebab = kebabCase("Hello World From String Utilities");
console.log(kebab); // Output: 'hello-world-from-@skipper116/string-utilities'
// Reverse a string
const reversed = reverseString("Hello");
console.log(reversed); // Output: 'olleH'
import {
} from "@skipper116/string-utilities";
// Validate an email
const isEmailValid = emailValidation("[email protected]");
console.log(isEmailValid); // Output: true
// Validate a URL
const isUrlValid = urlValidation("https://www.example.com");
console.log(isUrlValid); // Output: true
const isIpV4Valid = ipV4Validation("");
console.log(isIpV4Valid); // Output: true
const isIpV6Valid = ipV6Validation("2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334");
console.log(isIpV6Valid); // Output: true
// Validate a phone number (E.164 format)
const isPhoneValid = phoneNumberValidation("+1234567890");
console.log(isPhoneValid); // Output: true
// Validate password strength (minimum 8 characters, at least one letter and one number)
const isPasswordStrong = passwordStrengthValidation("Password123");
console.log(isPasswordStrong); // Output: true
// Validate a Malawi phone number
const isMalawiPhoneValid = malawiPhoneNumberValidation("0999123456");
console.log(isMalawiPhoneValid); // Output: true
// Validate a custom phone number format
const isCustomPhoneValid = customPhoneNumberValidation("+1-123-456-7890", "1");
console.log(isCustomPhoneValid); // Output: true
import { findAndReplace } from "@skipper116/string-utilities";
// Find and replace occurrences of a string
const newString = findAndReplace("Hello World! Hello Everyone!", "Hello", "Hi");
console.log(newString); // Output: 'Hi World! Hi Everyone!'
import { generateUniqueId } from "@skipper116/string-utilities";
// Generate a unique ID with an optional prefix
const uniqueId = generateUniqueId("user");
console.log(uniqueId); // Output: 'user_xxxxxxx' (random characters)
import { generateUUIDv7 } from "@skipper116/string-utilities";
const uuid = generateUUIDv7();
console.log(uuid); // Output: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-7xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' (random characters)
import { alphanumericCheck, lengthCheck } from "@skipper116/string-utilities";
// Check if a string is alphanumeric
const isAlphanumeric = alphanumericCheck("abc123");
console.log(isAlphanumeric); // Output: true
// Validate the length of a string
const isLengthValid = lengthCheck("Hello World", 5, 20);
console.log(isLengthValid); // Output: true
trimAndLowercase(str: string): string
Trims the whitespace from the beginning and end of the string and converts the entire string to lowercase.Example:
const result = trimAndLowercase(" HELLO world "); console.log(result); // 'hello world'
kebabCase(str: string): string
Converts a string to kebab case (lowercase with hyphens).Example:
const result = kebabCase("Hello World"); console.log(result); // 'hello-world'
camelCase(str: string): string
Converts a string to camel case (lowercase with the first letter of each word capitalized).Example:
const result = camelCase("hello world from string utilities"); console.log(result); // 'helloWorldFromStringUtilities'
snakeCase(str: string): string
Converts a string to snake case (lowercase with underscores).Example:
const result = snakeCase("Hello World"); console.log(result); // 'hello_world'
pascalCase(str: string): string
Converts a string to pascal case (uppercase with the first letter of each word capitalized).Example:
const result = pascalCase("hello world from string utilities"); console.log(result); // 'HelloWorldFromStringUtilities'
titleCase(str: string): string
Converts a string to title case, where the first letter of each word is capitalized.Example:
const result = titleCase("hello world from string utilities"); console.log(result); // 'Hello World From String Utilities'
reverseString(str: string): string
Reverses the characters in a given string.Example:
const result = reverseString("Hello"); console.log(result); // 'olleH'
findAndReplace(str: string, find: string, replace: string): string
Finds all occurrences of a substring and replaces them with another string.Example:
const result = findAndReplace("Hello World! Hello Everyone!", "Hello", "Hi"); console.log(result); // 'Hi World! Hi Everyone!'
generateUniqueId(prefix?: string): string
Generates a unique ID with an optional prefix. The unique ID is based on a random string.Example:
const result = generateUniqueId("user"); console.log(result); // 'user_xxxxxxxx' (random characters)
emailValidation(email: string): boolean
Validates if the given string is a valid email format.Example:
const isValid = emailValidation("[email protected]"); console.log(isValid); // true
urlValidation(url: string): boolean
Validates if the given string is a valid URL format.Example:
const isValid = urlValidation("https://www.example.com"); console.log(isValid); // true
phoneNumberValidation(phoneNumber: string): boolean
Validates if the given string is a valid phone number format in E.164 standard.Example:
const isValid = phoneNumberValidation("+1234567890"); console.log(isValid); // true
passwordStrengthValidation(password: string): boolean
Validates if the password meets minimum strength criteria: at least 8 characters long, and contains both letters and numbers.Example:
const isValid = passwordStrengthValidation("Password123"); console.log(isValid); // true
alphanumericCheck(str: string): boolean
Checks if the string contains only alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers).Example:
const isValid = alphanumericCheck("abc123"); console.log(isValid); // true
lengthCheck(str: string, min: number, max: number): boolean
Validates if the string length is within a specified range (inclusive).Example:
const isValid = lengthCheck("Hello World", 5, 20); console.log(isValid); // true
isBlank(value: any): boolean
Checks if the given value is a blank string, null, or undefined.Example:
const isValid = isBlank(""); console.log(isValid); // true
isPresent(value: any): boolean
Checks if the given value is not a blank string, null, or undefined.Example:
const isValid = isPresent("Hello"); console.log(isValid); // true
This package is fully typed with TypeScript, so you will get type definitions and autocompletion in supported editors.
import {
} from "@skipper116/string-utilities";
const userId: string = generateUniqueId("user");
const isStrongPassword: boolean = passwordStrengthValidation("MyPassword123");
console.log(userId); // Output: user_xxxxxxxx
console.log(isStrongPassword); // Output: true
We welcome contributions to improve this package. If you want to contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Submit a pull request with a detailed explanation.
More details can be found in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.