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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 30, 2020. It is now read-only.
Brian Krahmer edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 14 revisions

Pulling ja-micro dependency

Ja-micro is available on bintray so that you can simply pull it in as a dependency. Please see Ja-micro uses semantic versioning. Therefore, you should be safe to include ja-micro as a dynamic dependency if you are using gradle. For example, add this to your build.gradle dependencies closure: compile 'com.sixt.service:ja-micro:3.2.+' This will pull in the latest patch version automatically.


Introduction video
Introduction video

ServiceProperties, the service registry & micro dashboard
ServiceProperties, the service registry & micro dashboard

Mac support

The framework itself can be built on a Mac. Service integration tests do not work very well, because the Mac support from Docker is not good enough. It is not recommended to depend on a Mac if you intend to run service integration tests and have consistent results.

Releasing new versions

(For official maintainers only)

  • Do a complete build, including SIT ./gradlew clean build test-service:sIT
  • Bump as appropriate (following semantic versioning concept)
  • Ensure all files are committed
  • Tag the build like this: git tag -a -m "3.2.16" 3.2.16
  • Push the commit and tags together: git push --follow-tags origin (this push has to have other changes besides just the tag, or the travis build won't trigger)
  • Watch the travis-ci build page
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