conda deactivate # deactivate any active environments
conda create -n dac python=3.8.13 # install the conda environment with conda dependencies
conda activate dac # activate the environment
conda install -c conda-forge libjpeg-turbo
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 cudatoolkit=11.3.1 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download Conceptual Captions 3M training and validation splits from
After data preparation, place the data in DAC/CC3M_data/training
and DAC/CC3M_data/validation
Download and place in DAC/CC3M_data/
train_with_cap.csv and val_with_cap.csv from
Prepare vl checklist dataset as described in
Then move the vl dataset to DAC/vl_datasets/
If you followed the instructions correctly, you should have the following folders inside vl_datasets: 'hake', 'swig', 'vg'.
First, navigate to the src directory:
cd src
mkdir DAC/quality_captions/
python3 training/ --create_quality_captions --save_data --batch-size 1 --workers 0
mkdir DAC/SAM_dense/
python3 training/ --create_SAM --save_data --batch-size 1 --workers 0 --model_SAM /path/to/sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth
mkdir DAC/LLM_dense/
Prepare vl checklist dataset as described in
Then move the vl dataset to DAC/vl_checklist_images_root_folder/
If you followed the instructions correctly, you should have the following folders inside vl_datasets: 'hake', 'swig', 'vg'.
prepare aro dataset as described in
Then move the aro dataset to DAC/aro/
The model will be saved in DAC/Outputs/exp_name/checkpoints
To train a network with quality captions and:
- SAM density:
python3 training/ --epochs 5 --name exp_name --lora 4 --use_only_quality_captions --batch-size 32 --mil_dense_negs --vl_negs --neg_type rand_both --auto_neg_types NOUN ADP ADJ VERB --mil_batch 10 --pretrained openai --mil_dense ../SAM_dense/
- LLM density:
python3 training/ --epochs 5 --name exp_name --lora 4 --use_only_quality_captions --batch-size 32 --mil_dense_negs --vl_negs --neg_type rand_both --auto_neg_types NOUN ADP ADJ VERB --mil_batch 10 --pretrained openai --mil_dense ../LLM_dense/
####you can download our checkpoints of DAC_SAM and DAC_LLM from here:
All vl_checklist jsons will be saved in DAC/eval_jsons/clip/exp_name/
and the result will be printed.
To prepare the vl checklist evaluate results for the experiment exp_name run the following command:
mkdir vl_checklist_accuracy_jsons_folder
python3 training/ --lora 4 --pretrained openai --eval_vl_cklist --eval_only --resume /path/to/checkpoint --vl_checklist_images_root_folder DAC/vl_checklist_images_root_folder/
To print the aro evaluated results for the experiment exp_name run the following command:
python3 --lora 4 --resume /path/to/checkpoint