Dumping ground for documentation links, tutorials, and wiki for all things related to Julia and plotting
This is a (potentially incomplete) list of all Julia packages related to plotting. It was originally compiled here.
Graphical plotting:
- Gadfly.jl
- PyPlot.jl
- Winston.jl
- Gaston.jl
- julia-plot
- GLPlot.jl
- Qwt.jl
- Bokeh.jl
- Plotly.jl
- GoogleCharts.jl
- Vega.jl
- PLplot.jl
Text/terminal-based plotting:
- TextPlots.jl
- ASCIIPlots.jl
- Sparklines.jl
- UnicodePlots.jl
- Hinton.jl (also outputs vector graphics)
- ImageTerm.jl
Graph layout / visualization: