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MineTweaker (CraftTweaker) API

Sirse edited this page Nov 10, 2017 · 4 revisions

MineFantasy 2 Unofficial provides to modpack creators, server administrators and map makers capability to customize crafting recipes and some mod feature's trough using ZenScript scripting language provided by MineTweaker mod.

Note: We are strongly recommended to use CraftTweaker mod instead abandoned original MineTweaker mod.

MT commands

/minetweaker mf materials
Prints all registered MineFantasy materials with their stats into minetweaker.log

/minetweaker mf skills
Prints all available MineFantasy skills into minetweaker.log

Quern tweaker

Quern recipes can be added by addRecipe() method with two required and two optional arguments.
First two args are output and input values, second two args are required quern tier (integer value) and boolean which determines is are required clay pot in recipe.

import mods.minefantasy.Quern;
Quern.addRecipe(<minecraft:sand>, <minecraft:glass>);
Quern.addRecipe(<minecraft:planks>, <minecraft:log>, 0);
//output, input, tier, consumePot boolean
Quern.addRecipe(<minecraft:sand>, <minecraft:cobblestone>, 0, false);
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