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Matlab Image Segmentation scripts

Required packages



Synthetic data

  • MultipleIterationsOfTheExperiment -- generates synthetic data and runs HMRF-MCEM, HMRF-VEM, HMRF-EM, GrabCut on that data
  • CalculateMetricsForExperiments -- calculates metrics for synthetic data experiments and saves them to csv
  • AnalyzeExperimentMetrics -- reads calculated metrics and displays boxplots


  • CompareMethodsBinarySegmentation -- segments 2D image using ICM, Simulated Annealing and GraphCuts
  • CompareMethodsNonBinarySegmentation -- segments 2D image into 3 classes using ICM, Simulated Annealing and GraphCuts
  • CompareTime -- compares the time it takes to run HMRF-MCEM and HMRF-VEM
  • GraphCutOnStarplusData -- attempt to segment Starplus fmri data
  • TestGCO -- an example of using GCO library to segment an image with label costs


  • AUC -- calculates AUC metric for a given ground truth and posterior distribution
  • C -- vMF normalization const
  • logC -- log vMF normalization const
  • CalculateFinalEnergy -- calculates energy of an image
  • CalculateLikelihoodProbabilities -- calculates likelihood probabilities for vMF distribution
  • CalculateScores -- calculates Simple Similarity Score, Jaccard Coefficient and SSIM for a given image and ground truth
  • EstimateParametersGrabCut -- estimates parameters for GrabCut algorithm
  • EstimateParametersHMRFEM -- estimates parameters for HMRF-EM algorithm
  • EstimateParametersHMRFMCEM -- estimates parameters for HMRF-MCEM algorithm
  • FitGMMWithUnsetNumberOfComponents -- attempts to fit gmms with variable number of components and chooses best by AIC
  • GenerateSynteticData -- generates syntetic data using Potts model and von Mises Fisher distribution
  • GetNeighbours -- provides a list of neighbour indexes for a list of points
  • GibbsSamplerPotts -- Gibbs sampler for Potts model
  • GibbsSamplerLabelCost -- Gibbs sampler with a possibility to provide label costs
  • Grab_Cut -- an implementation of GrabCut algorithm
  • HMRF_EM -- an implementation of HMRF-EM algorithm
  • HMRF_MCEM -- an implementation of HMRF-MCEM algorithm
  • HMRF_VEM -- an implementation of HMRF-VEM algorithm
  • ICM -- iterated conditional modes for MRF
  • MetropolisHastings -- an implementation of Metropolis Hastings algorithm
  • MLE -- calculates segmentation based maximum likelihood probability
  • MRF_MAP_GraphCutABSwap -- an implementation of GraphCut Alpha-Beta Swap algorithm
  • MRF_MAP_GraphCutAExpansion -- an implementation of GraphCut Alpha Expansion algorithm
  • NormalizeToUnitLength -- normalizes vectors to N-dimensional unit sphere
  • PadData -- adds zero padding to the matrix
  • PlotDistanceToTruth -- plots the difference between true values and estimated values
  • RealignDataByMask -- applies mask to data and removes zeroes on the edges of the data
  • RotateMatrix -- rotates matrix 90 degress around a given dimension
  • SaveImage -- saves segmented image to file using same colors as imagesc
  • ShowImageWithLabels -- shows slice of 3d dimensional image overlayed with its labels
  • ShowMultipleSlicesWithLabels -- shows multiple slices of 3d dimensional image overlayed with its labels
  • SimilarityScore -- calculates Jaccard similarity score
  • SimpleSimilarityScore -- calcultates simple similarity score
  • SimulatedAnnealing -- an implementation of Simulated Annealing for MRF
  • TruePositiveNegativeRates -- calculate sensitivity and recall metrics
  • Read4DArrayFromStarplus -- reads 4D array from Starplus fmri data (
  • ReadROIFromStarplus -- reads provided ROI from Starplus fmri data