Intends to be Django Rest Framework microservice API
- django
- django rest framework
- django-rest-auth
- django-allauth
pipenv --python 3.8
pipenv install
pipenv shell
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
- /api/recipe/list (GET)
List all recipes endpoint.
- /api/recipe/ (POST)
Create a new Recipe endpoint Example json body:
"name": "Example1",
"instructions": "Blah!",
"prep_time": 30,
"cook_time": 50,
"yield_total": 1,
"tags": "hello,world",
"notes": [
{"content": "Nothing really..."}
"ingredients": [
{"name": "Rice", "measurement": "ounces", "quantity": 1}
- /api/recipe/{id} (GET)
Retrieve an existing recipe
- /api/recipe/{id} (PUT)
Update an existing recipe Example json body:
"name": "Example1",
"instructions": "Blah!",
"prep_time": 30,
"cook_time": 50,
"yield_total": 1,
"tags": "hello,world",
"notes": [
{"content": "Nothing really..."}
"ingredients": [
{"name": "Rice", "measurement": "ounces", "quantity": 1}
- /api/recipe/search (GET)
Search for recipes using hashtags or ingredient names, separated by spaces, i.e.: #tag #tag2 beans rice
- /openapi
OpenAPI graph
- /registration
Create an account
- /api/auth
DRF auth endpoints (login, logout)