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<h3>Meditation Room</h3>
<p>The Ablution Area, located at the west entrance of the Sacred Space in 200 Ell Hall, offers worshippers a private contemplation space, as well as a facility to perform ritual ablutions.</p>
<p>The Ablution Area can host up to five people and features a low stainless-steel sink with several water faucets, which allows for ablution at foot level.</p>
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<h3>Ablution Room</h3>
<p>The Ablution Area, located at the west entrance of the Sacred Space in 200 Ell Hall, offers worshippers a private contemplation space, as well as a facility to perform ritual ablutions.</p>
<p>The Ablution Area can host up to five people and features a low stainless-steel sink with several water faucets, which allows for ablution at foot level.</p>
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<h3>Sacred Room</h3>
<p>The award-winning Sacred Space, located at 200 Ell Hall, is utilized for a broad range of purposes, including student events, worship services, interfaith dialogues, meditation, and yoga classes. In addition to hosting weekly groups and special events, the Sacred Space is frequently open for individuals to use on a walk-in basis for private prayer, meditation, and peaceful time.</p>
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<h3>Reflection Room</h3>
<p>The Reflection Room, located at the east entrance of the Sacred Space in 201 Ell Hall, is an intimate library and meeting space where small groups can gather to share their faith, listen and learn, or hold dialogue discussions.</p>
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<h3>Meditation Room</h3>
<p>The Ablution Area, located at the west entrance of the Sacred Space in 200 Ell Hall, offers worshippers a private contemplation space, as well as a facility to perform ritual ablutions.</p>
<p>The Ablution Area can host up to five people and features a low stainless-steel sink with several water faucets, which allows for ablution at foot level.</p>
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<h3>Ablution Room</h3>
<p>The Ablution Area, located at the west entrance of the Sacred Space in 200 Ell Hall, offers worshippers a private contemplation space, as well as a facility to perform ritual ablutions.</p>
<p>The Ablution Area can host up to five people and features a low stainless-steel sink with several water faucets, which allows for ablution at foot level.</p>
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<h3>Sacred Room</h3>
<p>The award-winning Sacred Space, located at 200 Ell Hall, is utilized for a broad range of purposes, including student events, worship services, interfaith dialogues, meditation, and yoga classes. In addition to hosting weekly groups and special events, the Sacred Space is frequently open for individuals to use on a walk-in basis for private prayer, meditation, and peaceful time.</p>
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<h3>Reflection Room</h3>
<p>The Reflection Room, located at the east entrance of the Sacred Space in 201 Ell Hall, is an intimate library and meeting space where small groups can gather to share their faith, listen and learn, or hold dialogue discussions.</p>
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<li><i class="icon-phone2"></i><span> 617.373.2000 · TTY 617.373.3768</span></li>
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