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Firebase Test Lab plugin for Gradle

Run Android tests on Firebase directly from your Gradle build.

Table of Contents


The following lists the configurations that are supported and tested. Other configurations may work, but are not supported.

Plugin version Gradle version Android Gradle version
0.5.1 6.7 4.1.1
0.4.0 6.5 4.0.0
0.3.3 5.4.1 3.4.1
0.3.2 5.3 3.3.2
0.3 5.2.1 3.3.1


plugins DSL

plugins {
    id("com.simple.gradle.testlab") version "$pluginVersion"
plugins {
    id 'com.simple.gradle.testlab' version "$pluginVersion"

buildscript block

buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
buildscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "com.simple.gradle.testlab:test-lab-plugin:$pluginVersion"


Define tests

After applying the plugin, create an API configuration and define a test using the testLab extension in your build script.

testLab {
    googleApi {
        serviceCredentials = file("/path/to/service/credentials.json")
        projectId = "my-project-id-12345"
    tests {
        robo("fuzz") {
            device(model = "sailfish", api = 21)
testLab {
    googleApi {
        serviceCredentials = file('/path/to/service/credentials.json')
        projectId = 'my-project-id-12345'
    tests {
        robo("fuzz") {
            device {
                model = 'sailfish'
                api = 21

Run tests

The plugin will create tasks for each test and applicable Android build variant in the format testLab${variant}${test}Test, e.g.

  • testLabReleaseFuzzTest
  • testLabDebugFuzzTest

If you wish to test an Android App Bundle instead of an APK, use a task ending in BundleTest.

  • testLabReleaseFuzzBundleTest
  • testLabDebugFuzzBundleTest

Run a test by invoking the desired task.

./gradlew testLabDebugFuzzTest

Show catalog

To show a listing of all available Android devices, locales, and API versions, run the testLabCatalog task.

./gradlew testLabCatalog


testLab {

    // Configures the Google API configuration for this project.
    googleApi {

        // The Google Cloud Storage bucket where the test results will be stored.
        // If this is changed from the default, billing must be set up for
        // Google Cloud Storage.
        bucketName = "my-bucket-name"

        // Path to service account credentials used to execute tests on Firebase and
        // fetch results from Google Cloud Storage. If not provided, application default
        // credentials will be used.
        serviceCredentials = file("/path/to/service/credentials.json")

        // The Firebase/Google Cloud Platform project to use when executing tests and
        // fetching results from Google Cloud Storage.
        projectId = "my-project-id-12345"

    // Extra values to send with all tests for use with Cloud Functions.
    // For each test, these values will be merged with the test's `clientDetails`,
    // with the test's values taking priority for identical keys.
    // These values can be accessed via `testMatrix.clientInfo.details` in a Cloud Functions script. See the
    // Firebase documentation for more information:
    clientDetails.put("pull-request", "")

    // Configures the test configurations for this project.
    tests {

        // Configure and add an instrumentation test to this container.
        // See "Common test options" below for options available to all test types.
        instrumentation(name = "instrumentation") {

            // Environment variables to set for the test.
            environmentVariables.put("key", "value")

            // The `InstrumentationTestRunner` class. Optional; the default is determined by
            // examining the application's manifest.

            // Test targets to execute. Optional; if empty, all targets in the module will
            // be ran.
            targets {

                // Include all tests in the given packages.

                // Exclude all tests in the given packages.

                // Include all tests in the given classes or test methods.

                // Exclude all tests in the given classes or test methods.

                // Include tests annotated with *all* of the given annotations.

                // Exclude tests annotated with *any* of the given annotations.

                // Include tests listed in a file located at the given path on the target device.

                // Exclude tests listed in a file located at the given path on the target device.

                // Include tests matching the given regular expression.

                // Include tests annotated with `SmallTest`, `MediumTest`, or `LargeTest` annotations.
                size.set(TestSize.LARGE) // Alternatives: TestSize.MEDIUM, TestSize.SMALL

                // Uniformly distribute test targets among this number of shards. Shards are
                // executed in parallel across all devices.

                // Add an explicit shard of test targets. Shards are executed in parallel
                // across all devices.
                shard {

            // Configures artifacts to fetch after completing the test.
            artifacts {

                // Fetch all available artifacts for this test type.

                // Fetch instrumentation logs to `instrumentation.results`.
                instrumentation = true

                // Fetch JUnit test results to `test_result_$i.xml` for each result.
                junit = true

                // Fetch device logs to `logcat`.
                logcat = true

                // Fetch captured video to `video.mp4`.
                video = true

        // Configure and add a robo test to this container.
        // See "Common test options" below for options available to all test types.
        robo(name = "robo") {

            // The initial activity that should be used to start the app. Optional.

            // The max depth of the traversal stack Robo can explore. Needs to be at least `2` to
            // make Robo explore the app beyond the first activity. Optional; the default is `50`.

            // The max number of steps Robo can execute. Optional; the default is no limit.

            // Configures artifacts to fetch after completing the test.
            artifacts {

                // Fetch all available artifacts for this test type.

                // Fetch device logs to `logcat`.
                logcat = true

                // Fetch captured screenshots to `screenshots/$filename.png` for each screenshot.
                screenshots = true

                // Fetch captured video to `video.mp4`.
                video = true

            // Configures the [robo directives][RoboDirectivesHandler] for this test.
            directives {

                // Add a `CLICK` directive on the UI element for [resourceName].
                click(resourceName = "login_button")

                // Add a `TEXT` directive which inputs [inputText] on the UI element for
                // [resourceName].
                text(resourceName = "username", inputText = "alice")

            // A JSON file with a sequence of actions Robo should perform as a prologue for the
            // crawl. Optional.

            // Configures the starting intents used to launch the app for the crawl. Optional.
            startingIntents {

                // Add an intent that starts the main launcher activity.

                // Add an intent that starts the main launcher activity.
                launcherActivity {

                    // Timeout in seconds for the intent.

                // Add a starting intent specified by an action, uri, and categories.
                startActivity {

                    // Action name. Required.

                    // Intent categories. Optional.

                    // URI for the action. Optional.

                    // Timeout in seconds for the intent.
testLab {

    // Configures the Google API configuration for this project.
    googleApi {

        // The Google Cloud Storage bucket where the test results will be stored.
        // In this example, a `Provider` is used to only call `System.currentTimeMillis()`
        // at execution time.
        bucketName = provider {
            def currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()

        // Path to service account credentials used to execute tests on Firebase and
        // fetch results from Google Cloud Storage. If not provided, application default
        // credentials will be used.
        serviceCredentials = file("/path/to/service/credentials.json")

        // The Firebase/Google Cloud Platform project to use when executing tests and
        // fetching results from Google Cloud Storage.
        projectId = "my-project-id-12345"

    // Extra values to send with all tests for use with Cloud Functions.
    // For each test, these values will be merged with the test's `clientDetails`,
    // with the test's values taking priority for identical keys.
    // These values can be accessed via `testMatrix.clientInfo.details` in a Cloud Functions script. See the
    // Firebase documentation for more information:
    clientDetails.put("pull-request", "")

    // Configures the test configurations for this project.
    tests {

        // Configure and add an instrumentation test to this container.
        // See "Common test options" below for options available to all test types.
        instrumentation("instrumentation") {

            // Environment variables to set for the test.
            environmentVariables["key"] = "value"

            // The `InstrumentationTestRunner` class. Optional; the default is determined by
            // examining the application's manifest.
            testRunnerClass = "com.example.test.MyTestRunner"

            // Test targets to execute. Optional; if empty, all targets in the module will
            // be ran.
            targets {

                // Include all tests in the given packages.

                // Exclude all tests in the given packages.

                // Include all tests in the given classes or test methods.

                // Exclude all tests in the given classes or test methods.

                // Include tests annotated with *all* of the given annotations.

                // Exclude tests annotated with *any* of the given annotations.

                // Include tests listed in a file located at the given path on the target device.
                includeFile = "/data/local/tmp/include.txt"

                // Exclude tests listed in a file located at the given path on the target device.
                excludeFile = "/data/local/tmp/exclude.txt"

                // Include tests matching the given regular expression.
                regex = $/^com\.package\.(MyClass|OtherClass)#test.+/$

                // Include tests annotated with `SmallTest`, `MediumTest`, or `LargeTest` annotations.
                size = TestSize.LARGE // Alternatives: TestSize.MEDIUM, TestSize.SMALL

                // Uniformly distribute test targets among this number of shards. Shards are
                // executed in parallel across all devices.

                // Add an explicit shard of test targets. Shards are executed in parallel
                // across all devices.
                shard {
                    includeFile = "/data/local/tmp/include.txt"
                    excludeFile = "/data/local/tmp/exclude.txt"
                    regex = $/^com\.package\.(MyClass|OtherClass)#test.+/$
                    size = TestSize.LARGE

            // Configures artifacts to fetch after completing the test.
            artifacts {

                // Fetch all available artifacts for this test type.

                // Fetch instrumentation logs to `instrumentation.results`.
                instrumentation = true

                // Fetch JUnit test results to `test_result_$i.xml` for each result.
                junit = true

                // Fetch device logs to `logcat`.
                logcat = true

                // Fetch captured video to `video.mp4`.
                video = true

        // Configure and add a robo test to this container.
        // See "Common test options" below for options available to all test types.
        robo("robo") {

            // The initial activity that should be used to start the app. Optional.
            appInitialActivity = ""

            // The max depth of the traversal stack Robo can explore. Needs to be at least `2` to
            // make Robo explore the app beyond the first activity. Optional; the default is `50`.
            maxDepth = 50

            // The max number of steps Robo can execute. Optional; the default is no limit.
            maxSteps = 200

            // Configures artifacts to fetch after completing the test.
            artifacts {

                // Fetch all available artifacts for this test type.

                // Fetch device logs to `logcat`.
                logcat = true

                // Fetch captured screenshots to `screenshots/$filename.png` for each screenshot.
                screenshots = true

                // Fetch captured video to `video.mp4`.
                video = true

            // Configures the [robo directives][RoboDirectivesHandler] for this test.
            directives {

                // Add a `CLICK` directive on the UI element for [resourceName].

                // Add a `TEXT` directive which inputs [inputText] on the UI element for
                // [resourceName].
                text("username", "alice")

            // A JSON file with a sequence of actions Robo should perform as a prologue for the
            // crawl. Optional.
            script = file("robo-script.json")

            // Configures the starting intents used to launch the app for the crawl. Optional.
            startingIntents {

                // Add an intent that starts the main launcher activity.

                // Add an intent that starts the main launcher activity.
                launcherActivity {

                    // Timeout in seconds for the intent.
                    timeout = 10

                // Add a starting intent specified by an action, uri, and categories.
                startActivity {

                    // Action name. Required.
                    action = "android.intent.action.VIEW"

                    // Intent categories. Optional.
                    categories = ["android.intent.category.TEST"]

                    // URI for the action. Optional.
                    uri = ""

                    // Timeout in seconds for the intent.
                    timeout = 20


Common test options

The following options apply to both instrumentation and robo tests.

// APKs to install in addition to those being directly tested. Currently capped at 100.

// Extra values to send with this test for use with Cloud Functions.
// These values will be merged with `testLab.clientDetails`, with the values from this
// test overriding existing values with identical keys.
// These values can be accessed via `testMatrix.clientInfo.details` in a Cloud Functions
// script. See the Firebase documentation for more information:
clientDetails.put("test-name", name)

// Disables performance metrics recording; may reduce test latency.

// Disables video recording; may reduce test latency.

// Prevent all runtime permissions to be granted at install time.

// The name of the results history entry. This appears in the Firebase console and
// identifies this test.
// Here, a `Provider` is used to call a fictitious `getGithubPullRequestNumber` method at execution
// time.
resultsHistoryName.set(provider {
    val prNumber = getGithubPullRequestNumber()
    "GitHub PR $prNumber"

// Max time a test execution is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.
// Optional; the default is `5 min`.

// Sign in to an automatically-created Google account for the duration of this test.

// List of directories on the device to upload to GCS at the end of the test; they must be
// absolute paths under /sdcard or /data/local/tmp. Path names are restricted to characters
// `a-z` `0-9` `_` `-` `.` `+` and `/`.

// The network traffic profile used for running the test.

// Configure and add a [device][Device] on which this test should run.
// Default values are shown below.
    model = "hammerhead",
    api = 21,
    locale = "en",
    orientation = Orientation.PORTRAIT

// Configure the list of files to push to the device before starting the test.
files {

    // Opaque Binary Blob (OBB) file(s) to install on the device.
    // source - path to the source OBB file
    // filename - OBB file name which must conform to the format as specified by Android, e.g.
    //     `[main|patch]`, which will be installed into
    //     `/Android/obb/` on the device.
    obb(source = file("/path/to/some.obb"), filename = "")

    // A file or directory to install on the device before the test starts.
    // source - path to the source file
    // devicePath - Where to put the content on the device. Must be an absolute, whitelisted
    //     path. If the file exists, it will be replaced. The following device-side directories
    //     and any of their subdirectories are whitelisted:
    //     - `${EXTERNAL_STORAGE}`
    //     - `/sdcard/${ANDROID_DATA}/local/tmp`
    //     - `/data/local/tmp`
    //     Specifying a path outside of these directory trees is invalid.
    push(source = file("/path/to/some.file"), devicePath = "/sdcard/some.file")

// Configure systrace collection.
systrace {

    // `true` to enable systrace collection for this test.

    // Systrace duration in seconds. Should be between 1 and 30 seconds.
// APKs to install in addition to those being directly tested. Currently capped at 100.

// Extra values to send with this test for use with Cloud Functions.
// These values will be merged with `testLab.clientDetails`, with the values from this
// test overriding existing values with identical keys.
// These values can be accessed via `testMatrix.clientInfo.details` in a Cloud Functions
// script. See the Firebase documentation for more information:
clientDetails.put("test-name", name)

// Disables performance metrics recording; may reduce test latency.
disablePerformanceMetrics = true

// Disables video recording; may reduce test latency.
disableVideoRecording = true

// Prevent all runtime permissions to be granted at install time.
dontAutograntPermissions = true

// The name of the results history entry. This appears in the Firebase console and
// identifies this test.
// Here, a `Provider` is used to call a fictitious `getGithubPullRequestNumber` method at execution
// time.
resultsHistoryName = provider {
    def prNumber = getGithubPullRequestNumber()
    "GitHub PR $prNumber"

// Max time a test execution is allowed to run before it is automatically cancelled.
// Optional; the default is `5 min`.
testTimeout = "600s"

// Sign in to an automatically-created Google account for the duration of this test.

// List of directories on the device to upload to GCS at the end of the test; they must be
// absolute paths under /sdcard or /data/local/tmp. Path names are restricted to characters
// `a-z` `0-9` `_` `-` `.` `+` and `/`.

// The network traffic profile used for running the test.
networkProfile = "LTE"

// Configure and add a [device][Device] on which this test should run.
// Note: Add `import com.gradle.simple.testlab.model.Orientation` to the top of your script.
// Default values are shown below.
device {
    model = "hammerhead"
    api = 21
    locale = "en"
    orientation = Orientation.PORTRAIT

// Configure systrace collection.
systrace {

    // `true` to enable systrace collection for this test.

    // Systrace duration in seconds. Should be between 1 and 30 seconds.


Please open an issue for support.


Pull requests are welcome. Please observe the following norms:

  1. Read existing pull requests or issues to see if your change is still needed.
  2. Open an issue explaining the use case for your change prior to submitting.


Copyright 2017 Simple Finance Technology Corp

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License.