This module acts as an add-on for Mageplaza's Daily Deal extension to make it work with Magento PWA Studio.
Frontend Demo:
- Magento version 2.4.* or >= 2.3.5
- Got Mageplaza Daily Deal extension and Daily Deal GraphQL installed
git clone --branch release/4.0.0
cd simi-studio
From the root directory of the project you created above, clone the repository:
git clone ./@simicart/dailydeal
Change the .env MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL with your Magento site URL, or use our demo URL:
Modify the dependencies of your project to add Daily Deal extension.
"dependencies": {
"@simicart/dailydeal": "link:./@simicart/dailydeal",
"react-material-ui-carousel": "^2.3.5"
yarn install && yarn watch