This is the source code for Micropolis (based on SimCity), released under GPL-3. Micropolis is based on the original SimCity from Electronic Arts / Maxis, designed and written by Will Wright, and ported to Unix by Don Hopkins.
The origin of this repo is the "MicropolisCore" directory of the full micropolis repo, , but it's been stripped down and simplified.
I am now in the process of converting it to build for WebAssembly with emscripten and bind to JavaScript with embind, and implementing a SvelteKit front-end.
-Don [email protected]
The Micropolis GPL-3 license.
The Micropolis GPL-3 license.
The name/term "MICROPOLIS" is a registered trademark owned by and exclusively licensed to Micropolis GmbH (Micropolis Corporation, the "licensor"). It is here (upstream) licensed to the authors/publishers of the "Micropolis" city simulation game and its source code (the project or "licensee(s)").