Releases: SiliconLabs/matter_extension
Matter Extension v2.5.1-1.4 Release Notes
Silicon Labs Matter Simplicity SDK Extension v2.5.1-1.4
This release is supported for use with Simplicity Studio. For CLI based experience, use the SiliconLabsSoftware/matter_extension repo.
Documentation can be viewed at:
Releases notes may be truncated on GitHub. Full text can be found:
These versions are automatically included with our Matter release, listed here for informational purposes only.
- Matter: v1.4 (fd2d000)
- Simplicity SDK: v2024.12.1
- GCC compiler version: 12.2.1
- Thread
- Silicon Labs OpenThread: v2.6.1.0 (7f6723ffb)
- ot-br-posix (7d327005e)
- Wi-Fi
This is the Silicon Labs Matter v2.5.1-1.4 release, which provides the functionality to build Matter applications in the Simplicity Studio environment. This release is intended for developers who wish to run a Matter Demo over Thread (15.4) or Wi-Fi, and also manually build examples through Simplicity Studio, SLC-CLI or Visual Studio Code.
This release is certifiable to the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) Matter 1.4 certification program ( for Thread (MG24 / MG26) and Wi-Fi NCP platform (MG24/WF200).
This release supports series 2 and series 3 devices. Use v2.2.x-1.2 for series 1 devices.
- To get started, download Simplicity Studio from the following link:, and install Simplicity SDK v2024.12.1 along with Silicon Labs Matter v2.5.1. For SiWx917, install WiSeConnect v3.4.1 as well.
Highlights of this release
- Quality-tested Matter 1.4 GA solution for Thread MG24 / MG26, Wi-Fi SiWx917 SoC and RCP mode, Wi-Fi MG24/WF200 and Wi-Fi MG24/RS9116 (non-sleepy).
- For Wi-Fi SiWx917 SoC and RCP mode, there are known timeout issues in certain stress test conditions, which have not been observed with ecosystems under normal conditions. For details see the Known Issues section of the Release Notes.
- Works with Simplicity SDK v2024.12.1 and WiSeConnect SDK v3.4.1.
- GA support of the Matter Zigbee CMP (concurrent multi-protocol) Light example application.
- Some limitations exist, for details see the Known Issues section of the Release Notes.
- Implemented button switch functionality for the Dimmer Switch application.
- Fixed compatibility issue related to provisioning storage changes following the mbedTLS version upgrade.
- Resolved commissioning issues in the Multi Sensor App on the SiWx917.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Issues fixed in this release
- Fixed linker file issue when migrating part number in Wi-Fi projects. (UID: 1404794)
- Resolved issue with commission when using the multi-sensor app with the LCD component on SiWx917 SoC projects. (UID: 1395345, 1399723)
- Fixed an issue with the lock sample app where compilation may be blocked when the Matter shell component was enabled (UID: 1391662)
- Corrected persistence problem with the hardware version value after factory reset. (UID: 1390735)
- Improved intermittent delays in reconnecting to the Matter network when using the Matter/Zigbee CMP lighting sample app. (UID: 1387219)
- Fixed Zigbee Matter Light commissioning failure due to kFindOperationalForStayActive timeout can occur. (UID: 1360555)
- Fixed an issue where the Zigbee Matter Light CLI becomes unresponsive and device reboot is required (UID: 1337094).
- Fixed an issue where the CurrentHeapHighWatermark sometimes gets reported improperly to the Matter layer from the platform code (UID: 1336190)
- Fixed an issue where Zigbee MatterLight app may fail to build when created using the 'Copy contents' option (UID: 1348601)
- Fixed an issue where Matter ICD over Thread may not enter sleep/idle its radio until the next poll phase due to waiting on a TX ACK operation (UID: 1362030; 1362028)
- Quick-start guides are provided for running pre-compiled demos and for building examples manually.
- The Developer's Guide provides information on various technical topics.
In order to run Matter over Thread, a developer must have a Silicon Labs EFR-based device and either
- another EFR-based device and a Raspberry Pi with a 32 GB SD Card
- or an ecosystem device with OpenThread Border Router capabilities such as Amazon Echo, Apple HomePod, Samsung SmartThings Hub or Google Nest Hub
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
- MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xG24-RB4186C
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xG24-RB4187C
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit - xG24-DK2601B
- BRD2703A / MG24 Explorer Kit - xG24-EK2703A
- MGM24 boards:
- BRD4316A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Start Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xGM240-RB4316A
- BRD4317A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4317A
- BRD4318A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4318A
- BRD4319A (Rev A00 only) / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2704A / Sparkfun Thing Plus MGM240P
- BRD4337A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4337A
- MG26 boards
- BRD4116A
- BRD4117A
- BRD4118A
- BRD2608A
- BRD2709A
- MGM26 boards
- BRD4350A
- BRD4351A
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- Light
- Light Switch
- Lock
- Window Covering
- Thermostat
- OnOff Plug
- Sensor
- Dishwasher
- Air Quality Sensor
- Refrigerator
- Zigbee Matter Light
In order to run Matter over Wi-Fi, a developer must have the following hardware:
- Silicon Labs Wireless starter/development kit which is mentioned below
- Raspberry Pi with a 32 GB SD Card or an ecosystem with Matter support
Wi-Fi support for the following boards:
SoC mode:
- BRD4338A / SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB Flash SoC Pro Kit - SiWx917-PK6031A
- BRD2605A / SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE Dev Kit - SiWx917-DK2605A
- BRD4342A / SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB Flash + 8 MB ext PSRAM Radio Board with an internal RF switch - SiWx91x-RB4342A
- BRD4343A / SiWG917Y Module Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8MB Flash RF-Pin Radio Board - SiW917Y-RB4343A
- Early access for new module board BRD2708A / SiW917Y-EK2708A
RCP mode:
- Host Processor:
- BRD4186C / EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio Board (EFR32 radio board) - xG24-RB4186C
- BRD4187C / EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio Board - xG24-RB4187C
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi Processor:
- RS9116X EVK1 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Dev Kit - RS9116X-SB-EVK1 / RS9116X-SB-EVK2 / RS9116X-DB-EVK1
- SiWx917-EB4346A - SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE Co-processor EXP Expansion Kit
- SiW917Y-RB4357A - SiWN917Y Module Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE...
- Host Processor:
Matter Extension v2.5.0-1.4 Release Notes
Silicon Labs Matter Simplicity SDK Extension v2.5.0-1.4
This release is supported for use with Simplicity Studio. For CLI based experience, use the SiliconLabsSoftware/matter_extension repo.
Documentation can be viewed at:
Releases notes may be truncated on GitHub. Full text can be found:
These versions are automatically included with our Matter release, listed here for informational purposes only.
- Matter: v1.4 (fd2d000)
- Simplicity SDK: v2024.12.0
- GCC compiler version: 12.2.1
- Thread
- Silicon Labs OpenThread: v2.6.0.0 (7f6723ffb)
- ot-br-posix (7d327005e)
- Wi-Fi
This is the Silicon Labs Matter v2.5.0-1.4 release, which provides the functionality to build Matter applications in the Simplicity Studio environment. This release is intended for developers who wish to run a Matter Demo over Thread (15.4) or Wi-Fi, and also manually build examples through Simplicity Studio, SLC-CLI or Visual Studio Code.
This release is certifiable to the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) Matter 1.4 certification program ( for Thread (MG24 / MG26) and Wi-Fi NCP platform (MG24/WF200).
This release supports series 2 devices. Alpha support for series 3 is also enabled. Use v2.2.x-1.2 for series 1 devices.
- To get started, download Simplicity Studio from the following link:, and install Simplicity SDK v2024.12.0 along with Silicon Labs Matter v2.5.0. For SiWx917, install WiSeConnect v3.4.0 as well.
Highlights of this release
- Quality-tested Matter 1.4 GA solution for Thread MG24 / MG26, Wi-Fi MG24/WF200 and Wi-Fi MG24/RS9116 (non-sleepy).
- For Wi-Fi SiWx917 SoC and RCP mode, this is an Alpha. Basic functionality works but there are issues with stress testing, for details see the Known Issues section. If GA quality is desired, use v2.4.0 release until the v2.5.1 patch is available.
- Works with Simplicity SDK v2024.12.0 and WiSeConnect SDK v3.4.0.
- Expands our existing Matter support in Thread with new hardware and software capabilities.
- xG26 support is enabled for BRD4350A module, BRD4351A module, and BRD2709A Explorer Kit.
- SixG301 Alpha support is enabled for BRD1019A.
- GA support of the Matter Zigbee CMP (concurrent multi-protocol) Light example application.
- Some limitations exist, for details see the Known Issues section.
- Expands our existing Matter support in Wi-Fi with new hardware and software capabilities.
- Improved power numbers for the Wi-Fi SiWx917 SoC with the Selective Listening feature.
- Refrigerator application and Dimmer switch application support has been added for SiWx917.
- SiWx917 SoC module board support is enabled for BRD4343A and BRD2708A.
- SiWx917 NCP board support is enabled for BRD4357A. Matter uses this board as an RCP; LwIP task runs on the EFR32.
- Matter SiWx917 RCP Linux Host support has been added.
- The mbedTLS library has been upgraded from 2.x to 3.x for the SiWx917.
- DX Improvement: Added conformance data to Matter XML files and a 'Device Type Features' page in ZAP. Toggling a feature auto-updates the featureMap and aligns attributes, commands, and events to correct conformance plus shows detailed conformance warnings for them if their enabled state conflicts with conformance value.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Issues fixed in this release
- DAC size was previously limited to 512 bytes. This is now increased to 600 bytes as required by the specs, section 6.1.3. Certificate Sizes. (UID: 1377303)
- The Zigbee Matter Light app now stores the proper value for kConfigKey_UniqueID which is used by the Basic Information cluster. (UID: 1362463)
- Corrected an issue where the function sl_memory_get_heap_high_watermark() may sometimes return the wrong value. (UID: 1354963)
- Resolved compilation issues in Matter over Wi-Fi projects when buttons or LED components are disabled. (UID: 1368663)
- Fixed a possible crash with the multi-sensor app after commissioning with the Apple HomePod app. (UID: 1362893)
- Resolved a race condition that could rarely prevent an ICD Matter over Thread device from going to sleep for a polling duration. (UID: 1362030)
- Corrected an issue in SSv5 where the Zigbee Matter Light app would fail to build if the option "Copy contents" was used for the SDK. (UID: 1348601)
- Fixed an issue where a Matter over Thread device may report the wrong current consumption values between polls. (UID: 1336943)
- Quick-start guides are provided for running pre-compiled demos and for building examples manually.
- The Developer's Guide provides information on various technical topics.
In order to run Matter over Thread, a developer must have a Silicon Labs EFR-based device and either
- another EFR-based device and a Raspberry Pi with a 32 GB SD Card
- or an ecosystem device with OpenThread Border Router capabilities such as Amazon Echo, Apple HomePod, Samsung SmartThings Hub or Google Nest Hub
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
- MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xG24-RB4186C
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xG24-RB4187C
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit - xG24-DK2601B
- BRD2703A / MG24 Explorer Kit - xG24-EK2703A
- MGM24 boards:
- BRD4316A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Start Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xGM240-RB4316A
- BRD4317A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4317A
- BRD4318A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4318A
- BRD4319A (Rev A00 only) / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2704A / Sparkfun Thing Plus MGM240P
- BRD4337A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4337A
- MG26 boards
- BRD4116A
- BRD4117A
- BRD4118A
- BRD2608A
- BRD2709A
- MGM26 boards
- BRD4350A
- BRD4351A
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- Light
- Light Switch
- Lock
- Window Covering
- Thermostat
- OnOff Plug
- Sensor
- Dishwasher
- Air Quality Sensor
- Refrigerator
- Zigbee Matter Light
In order to run Matter over Wi-Fi, a developer must have the following hardware:
- Silicon Labs Wireless starter/development kit which is mentioned below
- Raspberry Pi with a 32 GB SD Card or an ecosystem with Matter support
Wi-Fi support for the following boards:
SoC mode:
- BRD4338A / SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB Flash SoC Pro Kit - SiWx917-PK6031A
- BRD2605A / SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE Dev Kit - SiWx917-DK2605A
- BRD4342A / SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB Flash + 8 MB ext PSRAM Radio Board with an internal RF switch - SiWx91x-RB4342A
- BRD4343A / SiWG917Y Module Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8MB Flash RF-Pin Radio Board - SiW917Y-RB4343A
- Early access for new module board BRD2708A / SiW917Y-EK2708A
RCP mode:
- Host Processor:
- BRD4186C / EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio Board (EFR32 radio board) - xG24-RB4186C
- BRD4187C / EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio Board - xG24-RB4187C
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi Processor:
- RS9116X EVK1 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Dev Kit - RS9116X-SB-EVK1 / [RS9116X-SB-EVK2](
- Host Processor:
Matter Extension v2.4.0-1.4 Release Notes
Silicon Labs Matter Simplicity SDK Extension v2.4.0-1.4
This release is only supported for use with Simplicity Studio. Standalone GitHub builds using Ninja are not supported.
Documentation can be viewed at:
Releases notes may be truncated on GitHub. Full text can be found:
These versions are automatically included with our Matter release, listed here for informational purposes only.
- Matter: v1.4 (fd2d000)
- Simplicity SDK: v2024.6.2
- GCC compiler version: 12.2.1
- Thread
- Silicon Labs OpenThread: v2.5.1.0 (1fceb225b)
- ot-br-posix (e56c02006)
- Wi-Fi
This is the Silicon Labs Matter v2.4.0-1.4 release, which provides the functionality to build Matter applications in the Simplicity Studio environment. This release is intended for developers who wish to run a Matter Demo over Thread (15.4) or Wi-Fi, and also manually build examples through Simplicity Studio, SLC-CLI or Visual Studio Code.
This release is certifiable to the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) Matter 1.4 certification program ( for Thread (MG24 / MG26), Wi-Fi 917 SoC and NCP platform (MG24/WF200).
This release supports only series 2 devices. Series 3 will come in a future release. Use v2.2.x-1.2 for series 1 devices.
- To get started, download Simplicity Studio from the following link:, and install Simplicity SDK v2024.6.2 along with Silicon Labs Matter v2.4.0. For SiWx917, install WiSeConnect v3.3.4 as well.
Highlights of this release
- Quality-tested Matter 1.4 GA solution for Thread MG24 / MG26, Wi-Fi 917 SoC and DevKit (BRD2605A), Wi-Fi MG24/WF200 (non-sleepy), Wi-Fi 917 NCP platforms. Beta support for Wi-Fi 917 SoC BRD4342A module and Alpha support for Wi-Fi MG24/RS9116 platforms.
- LIT-ICD Support and Quiet Reporting Support is provided.
- Sensor App is refactored to be more generic for easier usage and maintenance.
- Fan Control App support is added for SiWx917.
- Works with Simplicity SDK v2024.6.2 and WiSeConnect SDK v3.3.4.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Issues fixed in this release
- Device logs are enabled by default on UART instead of JLink RTT. This will resolve the RTT logging issue for sleepy applications and the OTA reset issues with JLink for the SiWx917 SoC.
- Zigbee/Matter app storing the wrong value for kConfigKey_UniqueId / basic cluster info. (UID: 1362463)
- Matter Sample Apps does not show OpenThread Certification Libraries in build (ld) logs; see steps here. (UID: 1335990)
- ICD server power consumption issue with multiple ecosystems (2+) when using the synchronized report scheduler. (UID: 1329692)
- Quick-start guides are provided for running pre-compiled demos and for building examples manually.
- The Developer's Guide provides information on various technical topics.
In order to run Matter over Thread, a developer must have at least two Silicon Labs EFR-based devices and a Raspberry Pi with a 32 GB SD Card.
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
- MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xG24-RB4186C
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xG24-RB4187C
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit - xG24-DK2601B
- BRD2703A / MG24 Explorer Kit - xG24-EK2703A
- MGM24 boards:
- BRD4316A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Start Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xGM240-RB4316A
- BRD4317A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4317A
- BRD4318A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4318A
- BRD4319A (Rev A00 only) / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2704A / Sparkfun Thing Plus MGM240P
- BRD4337A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4337A
- MG26 boards
- BRD4116A
- BRD4117A
- BRD4118A
- BRD2608A
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- Light
- Light Switch
- Lock
- Window Covering
- Thermostat
- OnOff Plug
- Sensor
- Dishwasher
- Air Quality Sensor
In order to run Matter over Wi-Fi, a developer must have the following hardware:
- Silicon Labs Wireless starter/development kit which is mentioned below
- Raspberry Pi with a 32 GB SD Card
Wi-Fi support for the following boards:
SoC mode:
- BRD4338A / SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB Flash SoC Pro Kit - SiWx917-PK6031A
- BRD2605A / SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE Dev Kit - SiWx917-DK2605A
- BRD4342A / SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB Flash + 8 MB ext PSRAM Radio Board with an internal RF switch - SiWx91x-RB4342A
NCP mode:
- Host Processor:
- BRD4186C / EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio Board (EFR32 radio board) - xG24-RB4186C
- BRD4187C / EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio Board - xG24-RB4187C
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi Processor:
- RS9116X EVK1 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Dev Kit - RS9116X-SB-EVK1 / RS9116X-SB-EVK2 / RS9116X-DB-EVK1
- SiWx917-EB4346A - SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE Co-processor EXP Expansion Kit
- SLEXP8022A - WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit
- Host Processor:
Note: Firmware for RS9116, SiWx917 NCP & SiWx917 SoC can be found in the Matter Software Artifacts page in the documentation or Assets section of this page. Connectivity firmware update is mandatory for new release binaries.
Wi-Fi support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- SoC supported applications:
- Light
- Lock
- Light Switch
- Window Covering
- On/Off plug
- Thermostat
- Dishwasher
- Air Quality Sensor
- Sensor
- Fan Control
- NCP supported applications:
- Lock
- Thermostat
- Window Covering
- Note: SiWx917 NCP is the only device combination which supports Window Covering App.
Wi-Fi ICD support for the following applications:
- Lock (ICD is enabled by default)
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with RS9116, SiWx917 NCP, SiWx917 SoC
- Window Covering
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with SiWx917 NCP, SiWx917 SoC
- Thermostat
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with RS9116, SiWx917 NCP, SiWx917 SoC
- Light Switch
- With chip-tool
- With SiWx917 SoC
Reference guide to enable the sleepy functionality for Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi ICD
Wi-Fi changes in this release:
- Adds Matter support for WiSeConnect 3.3.4 SDK on SiWx917 SoC, DevKit (BRD2605A) & SiWx917 NCP boards.
- Adds Matter support for WiSeConnect 2.10.3 SDK on RS9116 NCP boards.
- BRD2605A board support is enabled for all Matter Wi-Fi applications.
- The Fan Control application is enabled for the 917 SoC.
Wi-Fi supported in this release:
- Wi-Fi Mixed and Transition Modes of AP connection security modes. Wi-Fi Mixed Mode is enabled by default.
- Certificate Provisioning 2.0 for Matter Device Attes...
Matter Extension v2.3.2-1.3 Release Notes
Silicon Labs Matter Simplicity SDK Extension v2.3.2-1.3
This release is only supported for use with Simplicity Studio. Standalone GitHub builds using Ninja are not supported.
Documentation can be viewed at:
Releases notes may be truncated on GitHub. Full text can be found:
These versions are automatically included with our Matter release, listed here for informational purposes only.
- Matter: v1.3 (5bb5c9e)
- Simplicity SDK: v2024.6.2
- GCC compiler version: 12.2.1
- Thread
- Silicon Labs OpenThread: v2.5.1.0 (1fceb225b)
- ot-br-posix (e56c02006)
- Wi-Fi
This is the Silicon Labs Matter v2.3.2-1.3 release, which provides the functionality to build Matter applications in the Simplicity Studio environment. This release is intended for developers who wish to run a Matter Demo over Thread (15.4) or Wi-Fi, and also manually build examples through Simplicity Studio, SLC-CLI or Visual Studio Code.
This release is certifiable to the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) Matter 1.3 certification program ( for Thread (MG24 / MG26), Wi-Fi 917 SoC and NCP platform (MG24/WF200).
This release supports only series 2 devices. Series 3 will come in a future release. Use v2.2.x-1.2 for series 1 devices.
- To get started, download Simplicity Studio from the following link:, and install Simplicity SDK v2024.6.2 along with Silicon Labs Matter v2.3.2. For SiWx917, install WiSeConnect v3.3.3 as well.
Highlights of this release
- Quality-tested Matter 1.3 GA solution for Thread MG24 / MG26, Wi-Fi SiWx917 SoC and DevKit (BRD2605A), Wi-Fi MG24/WF200, Wi-Fi SiWx917 NCP and Wi-Fi MG24/RS9116 (non-sleepy) platforms. Beta solution for Wi-Fi MG24/RS9116 (sleepy) platforms.
- Works with Simplicity SDK v2024.6.2 and WiSeConnect SDK v3.3.3.
- BRD4342A PSRAM board support is enabled for all the Matter Wi-Fi applications - beta quality.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Issues fixed in this release
- Installing the OpenThread Certification Libraries component in a Matter Studio project results in "error: unused parameter" compilation errors. (UID: 1326566)
- Matter ICD cannot sleep with SiSDK 2024.6.1. (UID: 1344132)
- A hard fault on the door lock sample app on MG26, MGM240, etc.
- A different hard fault with the lighting app and an MG24 board.
- Wi-Fi 917 NCP commissioning and sleepy fixes.
- Quick-start guides are provided for running pre-compiled demos and for building examples manually.
- The Developer's Guide provides information on various technical topics.
In order to run Matter over Thread, a developer must have at least two Silicon Labs EFR-based devices and a Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card.
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
- MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xG24-RB4186C
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xG24-RB4187C
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit - xG24-DK2601B
- BRD2703A / MG24 Explorer Kit - xG24-EK2703A
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit- Thunderboard Sense 2
- MGM24 boards:
- BRD4316A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Start Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xGM240-RB4316A
- BRD4317A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4317A
- BRD4318A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4318A
- BRD4319A (Rev A00 only) / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2704A / Sparkfun Thing Plus MGM240P
- BRD4337A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4337A
- MG26 boards
- BRD4116A
- BRD4117A
- BRD4118A
- BRD2608A
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- Light
- Light Switch
- Lock
- Window Covering
- Thermostat
- OnOff Plug
- Sensor
- Dishwasher
- Air Quality Sensor
In order to run Matter over Wi-Fi, a developer must have the following hardware:
- Silicon Labs Wireless starter/development kit which is mentioned below
- Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card
Wi-Fi support for the following boards:
- SoC mode:
- SiWx917-PK6031A - SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB Flash SoC Pro Kit
- SiWx91x-RB4342A - SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB Flash + 8 MB ext PSRAM Radio Board with an internal RF switch - beta quality
- SiWx917-DK2605A - SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE Dev Kit
- NCP mode:
- Host Processor:
- xG24-RB4186C - EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio Board (EFR32 radio board)
- xG24-RB4187C - EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio Board
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi Processor:
- RS9116X EVK1 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Dev Kit - RS9116X-SB-EVK1 / RS9116X-SB-EVK2 / RS9116X-DB-EVK1
- SiWx917-EB4346A - SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE Co-processor EXP Expansion Kit.
- SLEXP8022A - WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit.
- Host Processor:
Note: Firmware for RS9116, SiWx917 NCP & SiWx917 SoC can be found in the Matter Software Artifacts page in the documentation or Assets section of this page.
Wi-Fi support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- SoC supported applications:
- Light
- Lock
- Light Switch
- Window Covering
- On/Off plug
- Thermostat
- Dishwasher
- Air Quality Sensor
- Sensor
- Dev Kit Supported applications:
- Light
- Lock
- Dishwasher
- NCP supported applications:
- Lock
- Thermostat
- Window Covering
- Note: SiWx917 NCP is the only device combination which supports Window Covering App.
Wi-Fi ICD support for the following applications:
- Lock (ICD is enabled by default)
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with RS9116, WF200, SiWx917 NCP, SiWx917 SoC
- Window Covering
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with SiWx917 NCP, SiWx917 SoC
- Thermostat
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with RS9116, WF200, SiWx917 NCP
- Light Switch
- With chip-tool
- With SiWx917 SoC
Reference guide to enable the sleepy functionality for Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi ICD
Wi-Fi changes in this release:
- Adds Matter support for WiSeConnect 3.3.3 SDK on SiWx917 SoC, DevKit (BRD2605A) & SiWx917 NCP boards.
- BRD4342A PSRAM board support is enabled for all the Matter Wi-Fi applications.
Wi-Fi supported in this release:
- Wi-Fi Mixed and Transition Modes of AP connection security modes. Wi-Fi Mixed Mode is enabled by default.
- Certificate Provisioning 2.0 for Matter Device Attestation Credentials on SiWx917 SoC.
- Supports SiWx917 SoC 1.8 MB Common flash board variants - BRD4338A and BRD2605A
- Supports SiWx917 SoC 1.8 MB Common flash board variants (8 MB ext PSRAM support, with an internal RF switch) - BRD4342A
- Supported OTA functionality on SiWx917 SoC.
- Supported OTA (M4 image only) functionality on SiWx917 NCP.
- Supported LCD functionality on SiWx917 SoC ...
Matter Extension v2.3.1-1.3 Release Notes
Silicon Labs Matter Simplicity SDK Extension v2.3.1-1.3
This release is only supported for use with Simplicity Studio. Standalone GitHub builds using Ninja are not supported.
Documentation can be viewed at:
Releases notes may be truncated on GitHub. Full text can be found:
These versions are automatically included with our Matter release, listed here for informational purposes only.
- Matter: v1.3 (5bb5c9e)
- Simplicity SDK: v2024.6.1
- GCC compiler version: 12.2.1
- Thread
- Silicon Labs OpenThread: v2.5.1.0 (1fceb225b)
- ot-br-posix (e56c02006)
- Wi-Fi
This is the Silicon Labs Matter v2.3.1-1.3 release, which provides the functionality to build Matter applications in the Simplicity Studio environment. This release is intended for developers who wish to run a Matter Demo over Thread (15.4) or Wi-Fi, and also manually build examples through Simplicity Studio, SLC-CLI or Visual Studio Code.
This release is certifiable to the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) Matter 1.3 certification program ( for Thread (MG24 / MG26), Wi-Fi 917 SoC and NCP platform (MG24/WF200).
This release supports only series 2 devices. Series 3 will come in a future release. Use v2.2.x-1.2 for series 1 devices.
- To get started, download Simplicity Studio from the following link:, and install Simplicity SDK v2024.6.1 along with Silicon Labs Matter v2.3.1. For SiWx917, install WiSeConnect v3.3.1 as well.
- If using WiseConnect v2.3.2 instead of WiseConnect v2.3.1,
component will need to be manually added to SiWx917 SoC projects for the compilation to pass. This component can be installed through the Simplicity Studio UI: WiseConnect3 SDK v3.3.2 -> Device -> Si91x -> MCU -> Core -> ENABLE USER CONFIGURATION.
- If using WiseConnect v2.3.2 instead of WiseConnect v2.3.1,
Highlights of this release
- Quality-tested Matter 1.3 GA solution for Thread MG24 / MG26, Wi-Fi 917 SoC, Wi-Fi MG24/WF200, Wi-Fi 917 NCP (non-sleepy) and Wi-Fi MG24/RS9116 (non-sleepy) platforms. Beta solution for Wi-Fi 917 NCP (sleepy) and Wi-Fi MG24/RS9116 (sleepy) platforms.
- Works with Simplicity SDK v2024.6.1 and WiSeConnect SDK v3.3.1.
- WiseConnect 2 SDK is updated to v2.10.0 for RS9116.
- Improved sleepy stability and power numbers with the Wi-Fi 917 SoC.
- BRD2605A board support is enabled for the lighting, lock, and dishwasher Matter Wi-Fi applications - beta quality.
- Introduced the Air Quality Sensor example application. The app also works with SparkFun SGP40 air quality sensor - alpha quality.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Issues fixed in this release
- Matter OTA Stuck if bootloader use EUART1 when waking up from EM2 (UID: 1283709).
- Fixed defines causing unexpected code size increase (UID: 1326021).
- Missing ZCL default values in Zigbee Matter light sample app caused commissioning issues (UID: 1315919).
- Time taken for command execution was not consistent for Sleepy Applications.
- ICD reported wrong current consumption value intermittently during sleeping intervals.
- Various failures in the Matter Provisioning Tool in Studio.
- Quick-start guides are provided for running pre-compiled demos and for building examples manually.
- The Developer's Guide provides information on various technical topics.
In order to run Matter over Thread, a developer must have at least two Silicon Labs EFR-based devices and a Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card.
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
- MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xG24-RB4186C
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xG24-RB4187C
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit - xG24-DK2601B
- BRD2703A / MG24 Explorer Kit - xG24-EK2703A
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit- Thunderboard Sense 2
- MGM24 boards:
- BRD4316A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Start Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xGM240-RB4316A
- BRD4317A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4317A
- BRD4318A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4318A
- BRD4319A (Rev A00 only) / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2704A / Sparkfun Thing Plus MGM240P
- BRD4337A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4337A
- MG26 boards
- BRD4116A
- BRD4117A
- BRD4118A
- BRD2608A
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- Light
- Light Switch
- Lock
- Window Covering
- Thermostat
- OnOff Plug
- Sensor
- Dishwasher
- Air Quality Sensor
In order to run Matter over Wi-Fi, a developer must have the following hardware:
- Silicon Labs Wireless starter/development kit which is mentioned below
- Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card
Wi-Fi support for the following boards:
- SoC mode:
- SiWx917-PK6031A - SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB Flash SoC Pro Kit
- Early access for new board BRD2605A
- NCP mode:
- Host Processor:
- xG24-RB4186C - EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio Board (EFR32 radio board)
- xG24-RB4187C - EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio Board
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi Processor:
- RS9116X EVK1 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Dev Kit - RS9116X-SB-EVK1 / RS9116X-SB-EVK2 / RS9116X-DB-EVK1
- SiWx917-EB4346A - SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE Co-processor EXP Expansion Kit.
- SLEXP8022A - WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit.
- Host Processor:
Note: Firmware for RS9116, SiWx917 NCP & SiWx917 SoC can be found in the Matter Software Artifacts page in the documentation or Assets section of this page.
Wi-Fi support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- SoC supported applications:
- Light
- Lock
- Light Switch
- Window Covering
- On/Off plug
- Thermostat (Alpha)
- Dishwasher
- Air Quality Sensor (Alpha)
- NCP supported applications:
- Lock
- Thermostat
- Window Covering
- Note: SiWx917 NCP is the only device combination which supports Window Covering App.
Wi-Fi ICD support for the following applications:
- Lock (ICD is enabled by default)
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with RS9116, WF200, SiWx917 NCP, SiWx917 SoC
- Window Covering
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with SiWx917 NCP, SiWx917 SoC
- Thermostat
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with RS9116, WF200, SiWx917 NCP
- Light Switch
- With chip-tool
- With SiWx917 SoC
Reference guide to enable the sleepy functionality for Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi ICD
Wi-Fi changes in this release:
- Adds Matter support for WiSeConnect 3.3.1 SDK on SiWx917 SoC & SiWx917 NCP boards.
- Adds Matter support for WiSeConnect 2.10.0 SDK on RS9116 NCP boards.
- BRD2605A board support is enabled for the lighting, lock, and dishwasher Matter Wi-Fi applications.
- The Air Quality Sensor application is enabled for the 917 SoC (BRD4338A).
Wi-Fi supported in this release:
- Wi-Fi Mixed and Transition Modes of AP connection security modes. Wi-Fi Mixed Mode is enabled by default.
- Certificate Provisioning 2.0 for Matter Devic...
Matter Extension v2.3.0-1.3 Release Notes
Silicon Labs Matter Simplicity SDK Extension v2.3.0-1.3
This release is only supported for use with Simplicity Studio. Standalone GitHub builds using Ninja are not supported.
Documentation can be viewed at:
Releases notes may be truncated on GitHub. Full text can be found:
These versions are automatically included with our Matter release, listed here for informational purposes only.
- Matter: v1.3 (5bb5c9e)
- Simplicity SDK: v2024.6.0
- Thread
- Silicon Labs OpenThread: v2.5.0.0 (1fceb225b)
- ot-br-posix (e56c02006)
- Wi-Fi
This is the Silicon Labs Matter v2.3.0-1.3 release, which provides the functionality to build Matter applications in the Simplicity Studio environment. This release is intended for developers who wish to run a Matter Demo over Thread (15.4) or Wi-Fi, and also manually build examples through Simplicity Studio, SLC-CLI or Visual Studio Code.
This release is certifiable to the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) Matter 1.3 certification program ( for Thread (MG24 / MG26) and Wi-Fi NCP platform (MG24/WF200).
This release supports only series 2 devices. Series 3 will come in a future release. Use v2.2.x-1.2 for series 1 devices.
- To get started, download Simplicity Studio from the following link:, and install Simplicity SDK v2024.6.0 along with Silicon Labs Matter v2.3.0. For SiWx917, install WiSeConnect v3.3.0 as well.
Highlights of this release
- Quality-tested Matter 1.3 GA solution for Thread, Wi-Fi MG24/WF200, and Wi-Fi MG24/RS9116 (non-sleepy) platforms. Beta solution for Wi-Fi SiWx917 and Wi-Fi MG24/RS9116 (sleepy) platforms.
- Works with Simplicity SDK v2024.6.0 and WiSeConnect SDK v3.3.0.
- Introduces Matter over Thread support for BRD4116A, BRD4117A, BRD4118A and BRD2608A boards from the EFR32MG26 family.
- Introduces the Matter Zigbee CMP (concurrent multi-protocol) Lighting example application which demonstrates the usage of the Matter Stack alongside the Silicon Labs Zigbee stack.
- Adds support for Long Idle Time ICDs.
- Adds Provisioning 2.0 Support for EFR32 and SiWx917 SoC.
- Provides Multi-chip OTA functionality support (EFR32-Thread only).
- Added support for TA based flash storage for storing factory data in SiWx917 SoC with alpha quality.
- Enabled Tickless Idle Mode and sleepy stability improvements for SiWx917 SoC.
- Removes support for EFR32 Series 1 MG12 devices: BRD4161A, BRD4162A, BRD4163A, BRD4164A, BRD4170A, BRD4166A.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Issues fixed in this release
- Matter projects are not viewable when selecting VS Code as generator
- Compliance with requirements for total-operation-hours after reboot (TC-DGGEN-2.1) (UID: 1274297)
- Window Covering devices getting "PacketBuffer: pool EMPTY" after use in ecosystem (UID: 1270031)
- ZAP issue when copying endpoints resulting in missing configurations (UID: 1244500)
- Error during keys migration between Matter 1.0/1.1 > 1.3 (UID: 1228958)
- Fixed possible NVM3 corruption during certain WiFi operations (UID: 1279545)
- Fixed multiple errors during power cycle after commissioning with Matter over WiFi (UID: 1262301)
- Quick-start guides are provided for running pre-compiled demos and for building examples manually.
- The Developer's Guide provides information on various technical topics.
In order to run Matter over Thread, a developer must have at least two Silicon Labs EFR-based devices and a Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card.
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
- MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xG24-RB4186C
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xG24-RB4187C
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit - xG24-DK2601B
- BRD2703A / MG24 Explorer Kit - xG24-EK2703A
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit- Thunderboard Sense 2
- MGM24 boards:
- BRD4316A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Start Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xGM240-RB4316A
- BRD4317A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4317A
- BRD4318A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4318A
- BRD4319A (Rev A00 only) / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2704A / Sparkfun Thing Plus MGM240P
- BRD4337A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4337A
- MG26 boards
- BRD4116A
- BRD4117A
- BRD4118A
- BRD2608A
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- Light
- Light Switch
- Lock
- Window Covering
- Thermostat
- OnOff Plug
- Sensor
- Dishwasher
In order to run Matter over Wi-Fi, a developer must have the following hardware:
- Silicon Labs Wireless starter/development kit which is mentioned below
- Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card
Wi-Fi support for the following boards:
- SoC mode:
- SiWx917-PK6031A - SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE 8 MB Flash SoC Pro Kit
- NCP mode:
- Host Processor:
- xG24-RB4186C - EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +10 dBm Radio Board (EFR32 radio board)
- xG24-RB4187C - EFR32xG24 Wireless 2.4 GHz +20 dBm Radio Board
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi Processor:
- RS9116X EVK1 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Dev Kit - RS9116X-SB-EVK1 / RS9116X-SB-EVK2 / RS9116X-DB-EVK1
- SiWx917-EB4346A - SiWx917 Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth LE Co-processor EXP Expansion Kit.
- SLEXP8022A - WF200 Wi-Fi Expansion Kit.
- Host Processor:
Note: Firmware for RS9116, SiWx917 NCP & SiWx917 SoC can be found in the Matter Software Artifacts page in the documentation or Assets section of this page.
Wi-Fi support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- SoC supported applications:
- Light
- Lock
- Light Switch
- Window Covering
- On/Off plug
- Thermostat
- Dishwasher
- NCP supported applications:
- Lock
- Thermostat
- Window Covering
- Note: SiWx917 NCP is the only device combination which supports Window Covering App.
Wi-Fi ICD support for the following applications:
- Lock (ICD is enabled by default)
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with RS9116, WF200, SiWx917 NCP, SiWx917 SoC
- Window Covering
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with SiWx917 NCP, SiWx917 SoC
- Thermostat
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with RS9116, WF200, SiWx917 NCP
- Light Switch
- With chip-tool
- With SiWx917 SoC
Reference guide to enable the sleepy functionality for Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi ICD
Wi-Fi changes in this release:
- Adds Matter support for WiSeConnect 3.3.0 SDK on SiWx917 SoC & NCP boards.
- Enabled Tickless Idle Mode and sleepy stability improvements on SiWx917 SoC.
- Added support for TA based flash storage for storing factory data in SiWx917 SoC with alpha quality.
Wi-Fi supported in this release:
- Wi-Fi Mixed and Transition Modes of AP connection security modes. Wi-Fi Mixed Mode is enabled by default.
- Certificate Provisioning 2.0 for Matter Device Attestation Credentials on SiWx917 SoC.
- Supports SiWx917 SoC 1.8 MB Common flash board variants - BRD4338A
- Supp...
Matter Extension v2.2.2-1.2 Release Notes
Silicon Labs Matter GSDK Extension v2.2.2-1.2
This release is only supported for use with Simplicity Studio. Standalone GitHub builds using Ninja are not supported.
Documentation can be viewed at:
Releases notes may be truncated on GitHub. Full text can be found here:
These versions are automatically included with our Matter release, listed here for informational purposes only.
- Matter: d140d5c8775
- Gecko SDK: v4.4.3
- Thread
- Silicon Labs OpenThread: v2.4.2.0 (7074a43e4)
- ot-br-posix (42f98b27b)
- Wi-Fi
This is the Silicon Labs Matter v2.2.2-1.2 release, which provides the functionality to build Matter applications in the Simplicity Studio environment. This release is intended for developers who wish to run a Matter Demo over Thread (15.4) or Wi-Fi, and also manually build examples through Simplicity Studio, SLC-CLI or Visual Studio Code.
This release is certifiable to the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) Matter 1.2 certification program ( for Thread (MG12, MG24) and Wi-Fi NCP platform (MG24/WF200).
This release will provide long-term support for series 0/1 devices. Going forward, future releases will only support series 2/3 devices.
- To get started, download Simplicity Studio from the following link:, and install GSDK 4.4.3 along with Silicon Labs Matter v2.2.2. For SiWx917, install WiSeConnect v3.2.0 as well.
Highlights of this release
- Works with Gecko SDK v4.4.3 and WiSeConnect SDK v3.2.0.
- Resolved issue affecting custom board project generation.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Issues fixed in this release
- OnOffPlug over Thread solution generation error (UID: 1285108)
- Custom board solution generation errors (UID: 1286360)
- Thermostat over Wi-Fi project compilation error (UID: 1285002)
- Quick-start guides are provided for running pre-compiled demos and for building examples manually.
- The Developer's Guide provides information on various technical topics.
In order to run Matter over Thread, a developer must have at least two Silicon Labs EFR-based devices and a Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card.
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
- MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xG24-RB4186C
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xG24-RB4187C
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit - xG24-DK2601B
- BRD2703A / MG24 Explorer Kit - xG24-EK2703A
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit- Thunderboard Sense 2
- MGM24 boards:
- BRD4316A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Start Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xGM240-RB4316A
- BRD4317A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4317A
- BRD4318A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4318A
- BRD4319A (Rev A00 only) / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2704A / Sparkfun Thing Plus MGM240P
- BRD4337A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm - xGM240-RB4337A
- MG12 boards:
- EFR32MG12 Development Kit
- BRD4161A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm - SLWRB4161A
- BRD4162A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - SLWRB4162A
- BRD4163A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm - SLWRB4163A
- BRD4164A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm - SLWRB4164A
- BRD4170A / SLWSTK6000B / Multiband Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm, 915MHz@19dBm - SLWRB4170A
- BRD4166A / SLTB004A / Thunderboard Sense 2 / 2.4GHz@10dBm
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- Light
- Light Switch
- Lock
- Window Covering
- Thermostat
- OnOff Plug
- Sensor
- Dishwasher
In order to run Matter over Wi-Fi, a developer must have the following hardware:
- Silicon Labs Wireless starter/development kit (WSTK/WPK)
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi development kits & boards
- For SoC variants, an SiWx917 SoC Common flash boards (refer to the board details below).
- For Network Co-Processor (NCP) variants
- Silicon Labs EFR32 - is used as a host processor and, with the WF200, provides Bluetooth LE capabilities
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi Processor
- RS9116 development kit
- WF200 expansion board
- SiWx917 NCP expansion board
- Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card
Wi-Fi support for the following boards:
- SoC mode:
- BRD4338A (Common Flash) - SiWx917
- NCP mode:
- MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter/ Pro Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xG24-RB4186C
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter/ Pro Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm - xG24-RB4187C
- MG24 boards:
o Wi-Fi Dev Kit
- RS9116
- SB-EVK1 / Single Band Wi-FI Development Kit / 2.4GHz - RS9116X-SB-EVK1
- SB-EVK2 / Single Band Wi-FI Development Kit / 2.4GHz - RS9116X-SB-EVK2
- DB-EVK1 / Dual Band Wi-FI Development Kit / 2.4GHz & 5GHz - RS9116X-DB-EVK1
- SiWx917
- SiWx917-EB4346A
- WF200
- WF200 / Single Band Wi-Fi Expansion Board / 2.4GHz - SLEXP8022A
- WFM200S / Single Band Wi-Fi Expansion Board / 2.4GHz - SLEXP8023A
- Interconnect board (included in the Wi-Fi kits)
- SPI Cable (included in the RS9116 kit)
- Jumper Cables (included in the RS9116 kit)
Wi-Fi support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- Light
- Lock
- Note: By default, M4 is active and the TA will be in sleep mode for SiWx917 SoC devices.
- Light Switch
- Note: This app is supported for SiWx917 SoC devices only (Wi-Fi).
- Window Covering
- On/Off plug
- Thermostat
- Dishwasher
- Sensor
- Note: This app is supported for NCP device combinations only.
Wi-Fi ICD support for the following applications:
- Lock (ICD is enabled by default)
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with RS9116, WF200, SiWx917 NCP, SiWx917 SoC
- Window Covering
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with RS9116, WF200, SiWx917 NCP, SiWx917 SoC
- Thermostat
- With chip-tool
- With EFR32xG24 with RS9116, WF200, SiWx917 NCP
- Light Switch
- With chip-tool
- With SiWx917 SoC
Reference guide to enable the sleepy functionality for Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi ICD
Note: Added configuration to override 917 SoC M4 sleep mode:
- By default, M4 is active and TA will be in sleep mode. This configuration provides high stability.
- To enable both M4 and TA sleep modes, need to add matter_siwx917_m4_sleep component.
Wi-Fi changes in this release:
- Adds Matter support for WiSeConnect 3.2.0 SDK on SiWx917 SoC & NCP boards.
- Thermostat App Build and commissioning fixes for SiWx917 SoC.
- Matter Shell fixes and using the shell directly from the VCOM for SiWx917 SoC.
Note: Firmware for RS9116, SiWx917 NCP & SiWx917 SoC can be found in the [Matter Software Ar...
Silicon Labs Matter Extension v2.2.1-1.2
This release is only supported for use with Simplicity Studio. Standalone GitHub builds using Ninja are not supported.
Documentation can be viewed at:
Releases notes may be truncated on GitHub. Full text can be found here:
These versions are automatically included with our Matter release, listed here for informational purposes only.
- Matter: d140d5c8775
- Gecko SDK: v4.4.2
- Thread
- Wi-Fi
This is the Silicon Labs Matter v2.2.1-1.2 GSDK extension release, which provides the functionality to build Matter applications in the Simplicity Studio environment. This release is intended for developers who wish to run a Matter Demo over Thread (15.4) or Wi-Fi, and also manually build examples through Simplicity Studio, SLC-CLI or Visual Studio Code.
This release is certifiable to the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA) Matter 1.2 certification program ( for Thread (MG12, MG24) and Wi-Fi NCP platform (MG24/WF200).
This release will provide long-term support for series 0/1 devices. Going forward, future releases will only support series 2/3 devices.
- To get started, download Simplicity Studio from the following link:, and install GSDK 4.4.2, along with Silicon Labs Matter v2.2.1. For SiWx917, install WiSeConnect v3.1.4 as well.
Highlights of this release
- Works with Gecko SDK v4.4.2 and WiSeConnect SDK v3.1.4.
- Provides Matter Solutions functionality for all sample applications. Example-only project generation has been removed to simplify user options.
- Adds support for custom clusters in Matter Studio projects – simply add the cluster XML file through the "Extensions" menu in ZAP.
- Enables LCD and OTA support (M4 image only) for MG24+SiWx917 NCP.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
Issues fixed in this release
- Custom attributes do not have initialization code generated by ZAP tool. (UID:1243502)
- boot-count attribute correctly resets to 0 after factory reset. (UID:1275507)
- Increased power consumption on sensor and on-off plug ICD devices. (UID:1264649)
- Ability to use OT certified libraries with ICD devices. (UID:1249392)
- Compilation error building with Segger System View component. (UID:1247565)
- CPMS flashing issue on SiWx917 SoC. (UID:1276713)
- Reporting HardwareAddress and IP addresses via diagnostic cluster. (UID:1264801)
- Removal of std duplication. (UID:1258834)
- WI-FI FreeRTOS assert in init/de-init loop. (UID:1234004)
- Low power server generation build compilation error. (UID:1264800)
- Sensor app refactor. (UID:1234309)
- SiWx917 SoC sleep functionality while uncommissioned. (UID:1247796)
- GCC makefile project generation issues. (UID:1213420)
- Security test mode commissioning failure. (UID:1225096)
- Quick-start guides are provided for running pre-compiled demos and for building examples manually.
- The Developer's Guide provides information on various technical topics.
In order to run Matter over Thread, a developer must have at least two Silicon Labs EFR-based devices and a Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card.
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit
- BRD2703A / MG24 Explorer Kit
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit
MGM24 boards:
- BRD4316A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Start Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4317A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD4318A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD4319A (Rev A00 only) / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2704A / Sparkfun Thing Plus MGM240P
- BRD4337A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm
MG12 boards:
- EFR32MG12 Development Kit
- BRD4161A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
- BRD4162A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4163A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
- BRD4164A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
- BRD4170A / SLWSTK6000B / Multiband Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm, 915MHz@19dBm
- BRD4166A / SLTB004A / Thunderboard Sense 2 / 2.4GHz@10dBm
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- Light
- Light Switch
- Lock
- Window Covering
- Thermostat
- OnOff Plug
- Sensor
- Dishwasher
In order to run Matter over Wi-Fi, a developer must have the following hardware:
- Silicon Labs Wireless starter/development kit (WSTK)
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi development kits & boards
- For SiWx917 SoC variants, an SiWx917 SoC Common flash boards (refer to the board details below).
- For Network Co-Processor (NCP) variants
- Silicon Labs EFR32 - is used as a host processor and, with the WF200, provides Bluetooth LE capabilities
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi Processor
- RS9116 development kit
- WF200 expansion board
- SiWx917 NCP expansion board
- Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card
Wi-Fi support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
- SiWx917 SoC Mode:
- BRD4338A (Common Flash)
- SiWx917 NCP Mode:
MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
Wi-Fi Dev Kit
- RS9116
- SB-EVK1 / Single Band Wi-FI Development Kit / 2.4GHz
- SB-EVK2 / Single Band Wi-FI Development Kit / 2.4GHz
- DB-EVK1 / Dual Band Wi-FI Development Kit / 2.4GHz & 5GHz
- SiWx917
- EB4346A
- WF200
- WF200 / Single Band Wi-Fi Expansion Board / 2.4GHz
- WFM200S / Single Band Wi-Fi Expansion Board / 2.4GHz
- Interconnect board (included in the Wi-Fi kits)
- SPI Cable (included in the RS9116 kit)
- Jumper Cables (included in the RS9116 kit)
- RS9116
Wi-Fi support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- Light
- Lock
- Note: By default, M4 is active and the TA will be in sleep mode for SiWx917 SoC devices. Please refer to the configuration options in the Wi-Fi changes in this release section.
- Light Switch
- Note: This App is supported for SiWx917 SoC devices only.
- Window Covering
- On/Off plug
- Thermostat
- Dishwasher
- Sensor
- **Note: This app is supported for SiWx917 NCP devi...
Silicon Labs Matter Extension v2.2.0-1.2
This release is only supported for use with Simplicity Studio. Standalone GitHub builds using Ninja are not supported.
Documentation can be viewed at:
Releases notes may be truncated on GitHub. Full text can be found here:
These versions are automatically included with our Matter release, listed here for informational purposes only.
- Matter: d140d5c8775
- Gecko SDK: v4.4.0
- Thread
- Silicon Labs OpenThread: v2.4.0.0 (7074a43e4)
- Wi-Fi
This is the Silicon Labs Matter v2.2.0-1.2 release, which provides the functionality to build Matter applications in the Simplicity Studio environment. This release is intended for developers who wish to run a Matter Demo over Thread (15.4) or Wi-Fi, and also manually build examples through Simplicity Studio, SLC-CLI or Visual Studio Code.
This release is certifiable to the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA)'s Matter 1.2 certification program ( for Thread (MG12, MG24) and Wi-Fi NCP platforms (MG24/RS9116, MG24/WF200).
To get started, download Simplicity Studio from the following link:, and install GSDK 4.4.0, along with Silicon Labs Matter v2.2.0. For SiWx917, install WiSeConnect v3.1.1 as well.
This release was fully tested with WiSeConnect v3.1.1. The release passed basic testing when using WiSeConnect v3.1.2. However with WiSeConnect v3.1.3, the user will need to make modifications to 2 files in the project. These changes are described
NOTE: These files should not be edited in the SDK, a copy should be made for the individual project.
Highlights of this release
- Quality-tested Matter 1.2 solution for Thread (MG12, MG24), Wi-Fi NCP platforms (MG24/RS9116, MG24/WF200, MG24/SiWx917), and Wi-Fi SoC platforms (SiWx917).
- Works with Thread and Wi-Fi device combinations in the Google, Apple, Amazon and Samsung ecosystems (see the Ecosystem section below).
- Adds support for Matter 1.2 Intermittently Connected Devices (ICD).
- Adds Intermittently Connected Devices (ICD) Sample applications.
- The Light Switch and Lock sample applications come with a preconfigured data model to support the ICD option.
- Introduction of the Dishwasher sample application.
- Introduction of a third LCD screen to display application information.
- Works with Gecko SDK v4.4.0 and WiSeConnect SDK v3.1.1.
- Expands Matter support for Wi-Fi SiWx917 NCP and SiWx917 SoC - with Beta quality.
- Adds support for OTA Software Update functionality on SiWx917 SoC platform.
- Adds support for Intermittently Connected Devices(ICD) functionality on SiWx917 SoC & SiWx917 NCP platforms.
- Adds Certificate Provisioning support for SiWx917 SoC platform.
- Adds support for Self-Provisioning Mode.
- Provides functionality to build a Silicon Labs Matter project using SLC-CLI and make.
- Adds support for editing, building, and debugging Simplicity Studio Matter projects with Visual Studio Code.
Issues fixed in this release
- SEGGER SystemView component should function properly after installing (without additional defines manually added).
- Enabling/disabling clusters within the ZAP GUI inside of Simplicity Studio properly adds/removes the corresponding cluster component within the Software Components tab.
- Quick-start guides are provided for running pre-compiled demos and for building examples manually.
- The Developer's Guide provides information on various technical topics.
In order to run Matter over Thread, a developer must have at least two Silicon Labs EFR-based devices and a Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card.
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit
- BRD2703A / MG24 Explorer Kit
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit
MGM24 boards:
- BRD4316A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Start Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4317A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD4318A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD4319A (Rev A00 only) / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2704A / Sparkfun Thing Plus MGM240P
- BRD4337A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm
MG12 boards:
- EFR32MG12 Development Kit
- BRD4161A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
- BRD4162A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4163A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
- BRD4164A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
- BRD4170A / SLWSTK6000B / Multiband Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm, 915MHz@19dBm
- BRD4166A / SLTB004A / Thunderboard Sense 2 / 2.4GHz@10dBm
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- Light
- Light Switch
- Lock
- Window Covering
- Thermostat
- OnOff Plug
- Sensor
- Dishwasher
In order to run Matter over Wi-Fi, a developer must have the following hardware:
- Silicon Labs Wireless starter/development kit (WSTK)
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi development kits & boards
- For SoC variants, an SiWx917 SoC Common flash boards (refer to the board details below).
- For Network Co-Processor (NCP) variants
- Silicon Labs EFR32 - is used as a host processor and, with the WF200, provides Bluetooth LE capabilities
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi Processor
- RS9116 development kit
- WF200 expansion board
- SiWx917 NCP expansion board
- Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card
Wi-Fi support in Simplicity Studio for the following device combinations:
- SiWx917 SoC
- EFR32xG24 + RS9116
- EFR32xG24 + SiWx917
- EFR32xG24 + WF200
Wi-Fi support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
Wi-Fi Dev Kit
- RS9116
- SB-EVK1 / Single Band Wi-FI Development Kit / 2.4GHz
- SB-EVK2 / Single Band Wi-FI Development Kit / 2.4GHz
- DB-EVK1 / Dual Band Wi-FI Development Kit / 2.4GHz & 5GHz
- SiWx917
- NCP mode:
- SiWx917-EB4346A
- SoC mode:
- BRD4338A (Common Flash)
- NCP mode:
- WF200
- WF200 / Single Band Wi-Fi Expansion Board / 2.4GHz
- WFM200S / Single Band Wi-Fi Expansion Board / 2.4GHz
- [SLEXP8023A](
- RS9116
Silicon Labs Matter Extension v2.1.1-1.1
This release is only supported for use with Simplicity Studio. Standalone GitHub builds using Ninja are not supported.
Documentation can be viewed at:
Releases notes may be truncated on GitHub. Full text can be found here:
These versions are automatically included with our Matter release, listed here for informational purposes only.
This is the Silicon Labs Matter v2.1.1-1.1 release, which provides the functionality to build Matter applications in the Simplicity Studio environment. This release is intended for developers who wish to run a Matter Demo over Thread (15.4) or Wi-Fi, and also manually build examples through Simplicity Studio.
This release is certifiable to the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA)'s Matter 1.1 certification program ( for Thread (MG12, MG24).
- To get started, download Simplicity Studio from the following link:, and install GSDK 4.3.2, along with Silicon Labs Matter v2.1.1. For SiWx917, install WiSeConnect v3.1.0 as well.
Highlights of this release
- Quality-tested Matter 1.1 solution for Thread (MG12, MG24), Wi-Fi NCP platforms (MG24/RS9116, MG24/WF200, MG24/SiWx917), and Wi-Fi SoC platforms (SiWx917).
- Works with Thread and Wi-Fi device combinations in the Google, Apple, Amazon and Samsung ecosystems (see the Ecosystem section below).
- Works with Gecko SDK v4.3.2 and WiSeConnect SDK v3.1.0.
- Adds Matter support in Simplicity Studio for Wi-Fi SiWx917 NCP, and expands support for Wi-Fi SiWx917 SoC - with beta quality and for select customers only.
- Installation of the WiseConnect SDK extension is required to generate Matter SiWx917 examples.
- Adds support for new WiSeConnect 3 SDK for SiWx917 NCP board variants.
- Adds support for SiWx917 SoC Common flash boards variants - BRD4338A.
- Adds support for LCD display on SiWx917 SoC for all Wi-Fi Matter Apps.
- Adds support for Direct Internet Connectivity on SiWx917 SoC.
- Provides evaluation-quality functionality to build a Silicon Labs Matter project using SLC-CLI and make.
Issues fixed in this release
- Fixed a bug related to Sleepy End Devices that sometimes forced devices to remain in EM0 instead of going into EM2 until the next EM state change. (UID: 1199571)
- Quick-start guides are provided for running pre-compiled demos and for building examples manually.
- The Developer's Guide provides information on various technical topics.
In order to run Matter over Thread, a developer must have at least two Silicon Labs EFR-based devices and a Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card.
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit
- BRD2703A / MG24 Explorer Kit
- BRD2601B / MG24 Developer Kit
MGM24 boards:
- BRD4316A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Start Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4317A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD4318A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD4319A (Rev A00 only) / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit/ 2.4GHz@20dBm
- BRD2704A / Sparkfun Thing Plus MGM240P
- BRD4337A / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@20dBm
MG12 boards:
- EFR32MG12 Development Kit
- BRD4161A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
- BRD4162A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4163A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
- BRD4164A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
- BRD4170A / SLWSTK6000B / Multiband Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm, 915MHz@19dBm
- BRD4166A / SLTB004A / Thunderboard Sense 2 / 2.4GHz@10dBm
Thread support in Simplicity Studio for the following applications:
- Light
- Light Switch
- Lock
- Window Covering
- Thermostat
- OnOff Plug
- Sensor
In order to run Matter over Wi-Fi, a developer must have the following hardware:
- Silicon Labs Wireless starter/development kit (WSTK)
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi development kits & boards
- For SoC variants, an SiWx917 SoC Common flash boards (refer to the board details below).
- For Network Co-Processor (NCP) variants,
- Silicon Labs EFR32 - is used as a host processor and, with the WF200, provides Bluetooth LE capabilities
- Silicon Labs Wi-Fi Processor
- RS9116 development kit
- WF200 expansion board
- SiWx917 NCP expansion board
- Raspberry Pi with a >32 GB SD Card
Wi-Fi support in Simplicity Studio for the following boards:
MG24 boards:
- BRD4186C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4187C / SLWSTK6006A / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
MG12 boards:
- EFR32MG12 Development Kit
- BRD4161A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
- BRD4162A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@10dBm
- BRD4163A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
- BRD4164A / SLWSTK6000B / Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm
- BRD4170A / SLWSTK6000B / Multiband Wireless Starter Kit / 2.4GHz@19dBm, 915MHz@19dBm
Wi-Fi Dev Kit
- RS9116
- SB-EVK1 / Single Band Wi-FI Development Kit / 2.4GHz
- SB-EVK2 / Single Band Wi-FI Development Kit / 2.4GHz
- DB-EVK1 / Dual Band Wi-FI Development Kit / 2.4GHz & 5GHz
- SiWx917
- NCP mode:
- BRD8036A v1.1 / Expansion Board / 2.4GHz
- SoC mode:
- BRD4338A (Common Flash)
- NCP mode:
- WF200
- WF200 / Single Band Wi-Fi Expansion Board / 2.4GHz
- WFM200S / Single Band Wi-Fi Expansion Board / 2.4GHz
- Interconnect board (included in the Wi-Fi kits)
- SPI Cable (included in the RS9116 kit)
- Jumper Cables (included in the RS9116 kit)
- RS9116