Running kraken+ braken can be a bit combersome. Here is Krak a simple plpeline that let's you run these tools in a simple and efficient way.
Download git repository: git clone
Install Snakemake using conda:
conda create -c bioconda -c conda-forge -n kraken snakemake
conda activate kraken
For installation details, see the instructions in the Snakemake documentation.
generate a sample table from your fastq files:
krak/scripts/ path/to/fastqs
Check the generated samples.tsv and simplify names, if you wish.
- Run the Pipeline.
a. First make a dryrun
snakemake -s krak/workflow/classify.smk --use-conda --dryrun
If you have access to cluster or cloud we recommend you to setup cluster/cloud integration via our profile. See the Snakemake documentation for further details.
b. Run the Pipeline:
snakemake -s krak/workflow/classify.smk --use-conda
Download the Kraken db for human and put them in databases
db="uhgg" # for human "cmmg" for mouse"
mkdir -p databases/$db
for file in database100mers.kmer_distrib database150mers.kmer_distrib database200mers.kmer_distrib database250mers.kmer_distrib database50mers.kmer_distrib database75mers.kmer_distrib hash.k2d inspect.txt.gz opts.k2d taxo.k2d ;
wget$db/$file -O databases/$db/$file
Set the path to the downloaded kraken db in the Kraken/config.yaml
Once you have the Kraken2 quantification you can use this jupyter notebook that shows how CMMG can be used for the functional and taxonomic analysis of mouse metagenome data.
Custom kraken db's can be generated using flexitaxd.
You need flextaxd to build Kraken dbs. There is an error in the latest version FOI-Bioinformatics/flextaxd#48, therfore run
mamba install flextaxd=0.3.5
What you need to build a kraken db is:
- path to the top-level-folder with all genomes
- a greeen genes formated taxonomy file
Genomes not in the taxonaomy are ignored.
Modify the name of your database as well as the path for building in the config.file
The taxonomy file should be a tsv file of the fomrat:
GUT_GENOME000047 d__Bacteria;p__Proteobacteria;c__Gammaproteobacteria;o__Enterobacterales;f__Enterobacteriaceae;g__Enterobacter;s__Enterobacter mori
GUT_GENOME000565 d__Bacteria;p__Proteobacteria;c__Gammaproteobacteria;o__Enterobacterales;f__Enterobacteriaceae;g__Kluyvera;s__Kluyvera sp902363335
You can got down to subspecies level using the x__
If you want to quantify on subspecies/strain level you should add subsp
to the list of levels to be quantified.
This needs to be done. Kraken + Braken attributes reads to species (or the level you want) however it doesn't normalize it to genome size. Larger genomes get more reads. While this is no problem for ratio based analyses (CoDa) it biases relative abundance calculation.