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~Historical: Communication Protocols

Teppo Kurki edited this page Feb 26, 2020 · 1 revision

This is earlier material and partly superceded by the specification

This page outlines basic mapping from Signal K JSON formats to common messaging protocols, and a describes a provisional implementation of Signal K over STOMP and MQTT. This is a pretty rough mapping to explore the similarities. An example implementation can be found in the (Signal K Java Server)[].

Signal K STOMP MQTT Notes Notes
CONNECT or STOMP CONNECT username, password
get, list, put, updates SEND PUBLISH PUBACK,PUBREC, PUBREL, PUBCOMP Client sends
updates, pathlist MESSAGE PUBLISH Server sends
heartbeat? heartbeat? PINGREQ
heartbeat? heartbeat? PINGRESP

Based on the above it is quite simple to transport a Signal K message on these protocols by simply putting it in the payload. In terms of the delta format messages there is a high level of correspondence between the Signal K context, and the message queue. Hence it is practical to subscribe to a temporary message queue based on an implicit context. The full Signal K message can be sent as payload, as this makes further protocol swapping or processing simpler.

MQTT and STOMP differ in their wider capabilities. If we take the MQTT QOS concept, there is no equivalent in STOMP or Signal K. But if we limit these additional capabilities to the relevant protocol only, then they provide no real issues.

For instance if we have a sensor on MQTT QOS2 (guaranteed once only) the MQTT layer should honor that. But once beyond that layer the next protocol may or may not provide the same. Hence its guaranteed for MQTT, but not for the next jump over UDP. If a reply never arrives via UDP, then MQTT will never know and not care. If QOS is important, then appropriate end-to-end protocols should be used.

Overlapping paths are considered in MQTT, so its reasonable to assume each broker will be smart enough to handle overlapping paths (queues).

Basic Method

Both STOMP and MQTT use a message broker to route messages between clients. Both STOMP and MQTT use the SUBSCRIBE header to initiate a queue subscription to the message broker. Since the Signal K server will also be a client of the broker, and responsible for sending via the broker to the clients, a method of propagating the subscription to the Signal K server is required.

In the current implementation this is achieved by having a common queue queue://signalk.put. This is a receive-only queue for the Signal K server and all conversations between client and Signal K server start here. It is also used to send updates etc to the server.

After connecting and authenticating to the STOMP/MQTT server, the client posts a normal Signal K message into queue://signalk.put. Assuming the case of a subscribe message:

  "context": "vessels.230099999",
  "websocket.connectionkey": "d2f691ac-a5ed-4cb7-b361-9072a24ce6bc",                  // a unique session ID
  "reply-to": "signalk.3202a939-1681-4a74-ad4b-3a90212e4f33.vessels.motu.navigation", // a private reply queue
  "subscribe": [
      "path": "navigation.speedThroughWater",
      "period": 1000,
      "format": "delta",
      "policy": "ideal",
      "minPeriod": 200
      "path": "navigation.logTrip",
      "period": 10000

NOTE: websocket.connectionkey does not refer to any sort of WebSocket, it's just the original session ID name which is getting a bit out-dated

  • The client generates a unique ID and sends a STOMP/MQTT SUBSCRIBE request for a suitable temporary queue name, using the unique ID signalk.3202a939-1681-4a74-ad4b-3a90212e4f33.vessels.motu.navigation.
  • The client then sends a Signal K subscribe message to signalk.put with the reply-to header set to the temporary queue name e.g. reply-to=signalk.3202a939-1681-4a74-ad4b-3a90212e4f33.vessels.motu.navigation. It listens on this queue.
  • The client then sends the Signal K subscribe message to queue signalk.put with the reply-to header set to the temporary queue name e.g. repy-to=signalk.3202a939-1681-4a74-ad4b-3a90212e4f33.vessels.motu.navigation.
  • The server will enable the subscription and send it to signalk.3202a939-1681-4a74-ad4b-3a90212e4f33.vessels.motu.navigation.
  • The client is already listening for the subscribed Signal K messages on the private queue.
  • The client sends a Signal K unsubscribe message to signalk.put to stop the process.

Hence a client can subscribe to a queue (path) in the broker, and the subscription will be relayed to the Signal K server, so that the appropriate Signal K updates can be sent to the appropriate queue periodically.

In Signal K we have proposed a series of 'verbs' (SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, LIST, GET, PUT) which can also be sent to the signalk.put queue. Sending a Signal K GET message to this queue could cause the Signal K server to respond, probably in a synchronous reply (or on a temporary queue). This allows for similar semantics to the current messaging.

Support for this exists in the Signal K Java server using STOMP and an embedded ActiveMQ instance. It all seems to work quite well, the result of a subscribe in STOMP format is regular messages:


  "context": "vessels",
  "updates": [
      "values": [
          "path": "366982320.navigation.position.longitude",
          "value": -122.41818333333335
      "source": "AIS"
      "values": [
          "path": "366982320.navigation.position.latitude",
          "value": 37.87668333333333
      "source": "AIS"