Patch 5.7.2 Independant Units, Barbarian and more!
Version 5.7.2 has a different dataset from previous version. Everyone who installed a previous version needs to download this new version and run the new installer again.
Thanks a lot to Jineapple who made all the work for this new version of WK, it wouldn't have happened without him.
NOTE: UP 1.5 is still in beta and recs/saves etc. are not guaranteed to work with newer updates of 1.5. The WololoKingdoms installer itself is also under development.
Make sure to download the to run the installer, not the source files!
Changes with this version:
-Two new terrains have been added to the data file: Mangrove Shallows in Terrain slot 11 and Cracked Earth in Terrain Slot 38 (With a damage multiplier for buildings of 1.2). To make place for these terrains, Dirt2 has been removed (use the Building residue terrain 27, which has the same looks), the Snow Road terrain has been moved from 38 to 33, and the Snow Dirt terrain in 33 removed (use the Snow Residue terrain in 36, same looks).
For players and RMS scripters, you shouldn't need to care about the specifics (the internal constants have been updated accordingly). For existing scenarios, the terrains need to be switched to make them work as intended.
-The real world and special maps have been updated to reflect this. Apart from the Indonesia and Phillipines real world maps (which are more complicated), they should behave identically to the HD version equivalents.
-The automatic map converter built into the installer has been improved, and enabled for the "random-map-scripts" folder of the HD install. This means the installer will automatically try to convert your HD maps to work with WololoKingdoms. Hopefully it should work in most cases. It fails if the map uses its own terrain constants instead of the default ones. In some cases the result might work different than on HD, e.g. if the map needs to differentiate between regular water and DLC water for terrain replacement/object placement.
-The Independent Architecture concept has been expanded to units. The default unit looks are unchanged, but open for modding now. SLP numbers for modding are simple: Take the existing SLP number and add a value depending on the civ group. The values are:
-(0: Default)
-60000: Goths, Teutons, Vikings (Central European)
-70000: Byzantines, Huns, Slavs, Magyars (East European)
-80000: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese (Mediterranean)
-90000: Japanese
-100000: Chinese, Mongols, Koreans (East Asian)
-110000: Burmese, Vietnamese, Malay, Khmer (Southeast Asian)
-120000: Turks, Persians, Saracens, Berbers (Middle Eastern)
-130000: Indians
-140000: Ethopians, Malians (African)
-150000: Incas, Aztecs, Mayans (American)
I recommend making use of the mod_override folder of the installer to test these out. The civ list isn't final, I'm open to suggestions, though I don't want to blow up the count of different groups more than this.
-Added Barbarian and Promi to the list of AIs, made Promi the defaul AI.
-Added a "No Snow" option
-The three Ice Terrains (Shallow Ice/26, Solid Ice/35 and Ice Beach/37) now use different SLP files. The default appearance is the same, but it allows for terrain mods that distinguish between the terrains, e.g. to make it visible where ships can and can't go. You can see this in use when selecting the "No snow option"
Shallow Ice/26 is 15024.slp, Solid Ice/35 is 15020.slp and Ice Beach/37 is 15034.slp
(Thanks to Chrazini for the suggestion!)
-There are new "Resource Workshop" buildings, which have a resource trickle like a feitoria for map makers to use.
IDs 1300-1303: Auto-Convertible Food, Wood, Stone Gold Workshops
IDs 1304-1307: Regular Food, Wood, Stone Gold Workshops
1308: Auto-Convertible Workshop with all four resource trickles
1309: Regular Workshop with all four resource trickles.
All resource trickles are at a rate of 1/s. The speed of the trickle can be adjusted globally (for all such buildings on the map, including regular Feitorias) by changing the amount of resources 205-208 (Food, Wood, Stone, Gold) with effect_amount statements or corresponding triggers. (Thanks to Chrazini for the suggestion and Scripter for assistance)
-Fixed text not being centered in the Achievement Screen
-Added an option to disable fire galleys and demo rafts in feudal (with fire ship/demo ship not needing the war galley research) with rms scripting. There is an AOC_Islands.rms map included that demonstrates this. (Disabling Tech 604 disables Fire Galleys, Tech 605 Demo Rafts. Disabling Tech 168 enables Fire Ships in Castle, and disabling Tech 170 enables Demo Ships in castle)
-Fixed Malay Fish traps getting 730 food
-Fixed Khmer getting their no building requirements bonus in All Tech Games
-Fixed Turks/Huns getting cutting mangonels/onagers on nocut maps
-Added the option to enable the X-Patch Trade cart change (In short: Trade Carts twice as effective and expensive to reduce the number of units). To do so, disable Tech 88.
-Added the option to move coinage/banking techs:
Disable Tech 17 to remove Banking, Tech 23 to remove Coinage. Disable Tech 223 to get Castle Age Coinage, Tech 224 for Imperial Age coinage and tech 225 for Imperial Age Banking.
-Added to demonstrate this.
Installer improvements:
-Allows selection of the install directory if the default directory is not the desired one.
-Makes it possible to not install the restricted civ versions (WololoKingdoms FE/AK) if that's not desired. For offline Games, this is now always the case
-Remembers the settings used during the last installation
-Allows a pure offline install without Voobly
-Makes it possible to decide whether custom HD maps (in the random-map-scripts folder) should be converted and copied or not.