Sirius Intelligence is a backend API used in Sirius Music. It remotely provides the Frontend Application the music with API calls. It is responsible for scrapping, arranging, processing and storing the data about diffent artists, genres, albums and songs. It also provides with the link to a particular song on youtube and the link is embedded in the Front-End Application.
This API runs on Python 3.6. Make sure you have Python 3.6 and pip installed.
Open the terminal and run the command:
git clone
open your working directory in the terminal and run the following commands:
pip install virtualenv
python -m virtualenv Sirius
source sirius/bin/activate
Open the cloned folder in the terminal(virtual environment) and run the following commands:
pip install -r Requirements/requirements.txt
Install and Configure Postgresql in your Linux, Visit this link:
The Config file is where all the secrets related to this API go, eg: credentials, Database details, API keys, file_paths, etc.
Open and make changes to following fields according to your setup:
NAME = 'siriusmusic'
USER = 'sirius'
PASSWORD = 'sirius_black'
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 5432
SONG_DIRECTORY='/media/shwetabh/76FC340DFC33C661/Documents and Settings/Shwetabh Kumar/My Documents/Rockstar Games/GTA V/User Music'
Run the following commands to make changes in the database:
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver