A simple python script that recognises faces and mark attendance for the recognised faces in an excel sheet. You need following libraries pre-installed on your system: 1.face_recognition 2.Opencv 3.openpyxl 4.datetime
- Save images of people as '1.jpg','2.jpg'...... numbers being the roll numbers of the person!
- Run the program.
- An excel file will be created, marked with the attendance for the faces it recognised.
- Keep all the images and the python script in the same folder as well as run the python script for the same folder.
- Excel will be created with the number of the month as name. For eg. if current month is january, then the name of the excel file created will be '1.xlsx'.
- Suppose today is 4th of january then the attendance will be marked in the 'D' column of the '1.xlsx' file.
**Future updates.. Adding google spreadsheet for easy multiple access.