Renderer-agnostic pixel fonts for python3, sourced by @olikraus for u8g2, ported by @ShrimpingIt for use in low-resource micropython environments.
Implement a function with the signature plot(x,y)
to use this bitfont library in your preferred rendering environment.
To run a test render using PIL (Pillow Fork), install pillow from pip3
then try cd-ing to the repository's python
folder in a console
and run...
python -m render.pillow
You should find a bitmap-rendered file pillow.png
in the
python/render folder.
Edit the run() function in python/render/ to change the configuration of the test render.
P.S. Blank 'kerning' columns can be removed to further minimise font size by running the extract routine again with a different configuration.
P.P.S. Original .bdf files at
P.P.P.PS The following is a really nice pangram for testing. 'Nymphs vex quick dwarf jog blitz'