A website to perform EDA on Automobile Dataset to help customer to buy his dream car.
In everyday life, we have to make decisions for the betterment of our future, whether in personal life, health, or business. And when making a decision if we could analyze it, it will make our work easier. Data analysis is the process of evaluating, cleaning, modifying, and modeling data for the purpose of obtaining useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-making. I read an article published by Dana Saini, in which she mentioned how she used data analysis in her daily life. Even during this pandemic, data analysis played a huge role to predict the dangerous noble covid-19 waves.
The biggest fear arises when we choose a car, will it be that ‘Right car” for us, can it accommodate everyone in the house, will it be safe to drive, will it be within our budget and whatnot. So presenting you DAS AUTO, through this we can see various trends and features while choosing a car.
email: [email protected]
password: engage@2022
Datasets: cars_engage_2022.csv is given on site
engage_dataset.csv : dataset after cleaning
Automobile_dataset.xlsx dataset containing the images of cars and its logos
The app is now running at - WEBHOST and NETLIFY
Link to Jupyter Notebook (https://mybinder.org/v2/git/https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2FShraddha-Jaggi%2FDAS-AUTO/f65428d52d3237372dbe7428d8d8dd21d79e9c63?urlpath=lab%2Ftree%2FDAS%20AUTO.ipynb)