Setup environment
React, Typescript
Node.js Install dev dependencies yarn add -D @types/node typescript
Run typescript using two ways
compile ts internally to js and execute which takes more time due to process yarn add -D ts-node
compile ts separately in one thread and execute only the js files a. to generate ts, add ts config using the below npm package npx tsconfig.json b. script to genreate js files - "watch" : "tsc -w" c. add script to execute the js files in node - node dist/index.js
Run the code with hot reloading, nodemon yarn add -D nodemon add script dev - nodemon dist/index.js
- Install the below packages yarn add @mikro-orm/cli @mikro-orm/core @mikro-orm/migrations @mikro-orm/postgresql pg
- Create database createdb <db_name>
GraphQL, UrlQL/Apollo
- add dependencies for graphql & apollo yarn add express apollo-server-express type-graphql graphql yarn add -D @types/express