This is the supplementary code for the AISTATS 2021 proceeding "Federated Multi-armed Bandits with Personalization". The details of codes are specified as following and the results can be get by directly running the notebook "PF-UCB.ipynb". The obtained data will be stored in folders: scores, scores_improved, and socres_movielens.
- Python 3.7
- numpy 1.18.1
- matplotlib 3.1.3
The PF-UCB algorithm is implemented in files "", "" and "". The enhanced version is implemented in files "", "" and "".
The synthetic dataset used in Fig. (1) is contained in the notebook. The original MovieLens dataset can be downloaded from [here(] and the preprocessing steps are specified in the paper. The processed MovieLens dataset is contained in the file "movielens_norm_10_40.npy". The synthetic dataset used in Fig. (4) is contained in file "means.npy".