We provide the full MReD data and its related code.
For more details please refer to the paper: https://aclanthology.org/2022.findings-acl.198/
The full_data_info.txt
file contains detailed information for the train, validation and test data splits for both classification and summarization tasks.
Each line have 12 fields separated by tab refering to the following information for the same paper:
- data split:
- paper id:
, whereyyyy
is the year - year: from 2018 to 2021, the year of the ICLR submission
- openreview id:
, the paper id given by the open review website, can be found in the website's official blind review section, 2nd row in the format ofICLRyyyy Conference Paperxxx AnonReviewerx
- reviewers' rating score:
Rx: x, Rx: x, ..., Rx: x.
which gives a summary of the score given by each reviewer according to the anonymous reviewer number on openreview website. Note that sometimes the reviewer number is not continuous on openreview (eg., there is only R2, R3, R4) - average rating score: the average score from all reviewers
- paper decision:
orAccept (Oral)
,Accept (Poster)
,Accept (Spotlight)
,Accept (Workshop)
- title: the title of the paper/submisison
- link: the link of the paper/submission on openreview
- word count: number of words in meta-review
- sentence-level category sequence:
[label1, label2, ... ]
, per-sentence label sequence for the meta-review wherelabel1
represents the category label for 1st sentence,label2
for the 2nd sentence and so on - segment-level category sequence:
[label1, label2, ... ]
, label sequence for the meta-review on segment level wherelabel1
represents the category label for 1st segment (the sentences of the same label),label2
for the 2nd segment and so on
In the folder classification/data/
, we provide the human-annotated category label for every sentence in all meta-reviews. Each line contains three fields, namely paper id, sentence, and label, separated by tab. Consecutive meta-reviews are separated by an additional new line. You may search the paper id in full_data_info.txt
for more information on a particular paper/submission.
The code for training the classifier is adapted from: https://github.com/allanj/pytorch_neural_crf.
Using Roberta-base, our trained model has a classification accuracy of 85.83%.
We include the our modified code in folder classification/LSTM-CRF
In classification/LSTM-CRF/data/mred
, we have already adapted our meta-review classification data to the required IOBES tagging format.
To train your own tagger, please follow the original repo for environment setup, then run
python trainer.py --model_folder <Location to save traind model> --device <CUDA number> --embedder_type roberta-base
All hyperparameters are already set in trainer.py
as default.
The trained model can be located in classification/LSTM-CRF/model_files/
Prediction results are save to classification/LSTM-CRF/results/
. To obtain the micro and macro F1 scores, run python eval.py <result_file>
We provide the full data of each paper reviews and metareviews in the source folder summarization/extractive/data/source
and target folder summarization/extractive/data/target
respectively, where each line represents the review or the meta-review passage in correspondence. The details of each paper can be found in full_data_info.txt
following the file order.
The target folder contains the following:
- full target files
, where each line is a meta-review - the filtered target files
for those with meta-review word count between 20-400, where each line is a meta-review - the filtered test target low score (<=3) and high score (>=7) files
, where each line is a meta-review, the meta-review word count is also between 20-400 - the filtered sentence-level labels files
, andfiltered_test_sentence_labels_high_score.txt
, where each line is the gold label sequence for the test data split - the filered per sentence labeled files
, where each line is a labeled sentence and each meta-review is separated by a newline.
The source folder contains the inputs obtained from different linearization methods in folders
Please refer to our paper for details of linearization methods. Inside each source and target folder, we provide a full data version and a filtered data version, where the filtered papers contains meta-review lengths no less than 20 words and no more than 400 words (which can be easily obtained by filtering according to thefull_data_info.txt
's word count field). We used the filtered data in our paper's experiments.
Moreover, we provide the classifier labeled (85.83% accuracy) per-sentence category label for filtered source inputs in summarization/extractive/data/labeled_source/
, which include:
- the full labeled source files
- the filtered paper for meta-review length between 20-400
- the filtered low score (<=3) and high score (>=7) paper labeled source inputs:
We provide code for the three exractive models and the generic baselines in our paper under the directory summarization/extractive/code/
- Lexrank: in folder
, based on the package: https://pypi.org/project/lexrank/. We extract the top n most relevant items from src, where n is decided according to the actual number of sentences in gold. The vanilla and labeled-controlled extractive summarization scripts arelexrank_base.py
. Need to runpip install lexrank
. - Textrank: in folder
,based on the gensim.summarization.summarizer https://radimrehurek.com/gensim_3.8.3/summarization/summariser.html. We use textrank to extract the top n most relevant items from src, where n is decided according to the actual number of sentences in gold. The vanilla and labeled-controlled extractive summarization scripts aretextrank_base.py
. Need to runpip install gensim==3.8.3
. - MMR: in folder
,based on https://github.com/vishnu45/NLP-Extractive-NEWS-summarization-using-MMR/blob/master/mmr_summarizer.py. The vanilla and labeled-controlled extractive summarization scripts aremmr_base.py
. Need to runpip install gensim==3.8.3
. - Generic sentence baselines: In folder
, the scriptgeneric.py
uses textrank to first split all sentences in the input file (src/tgt, high/low papers...) into same label groups, arrange sentences in each group in order and then select according to meta-review label sequence. Usage:python generic.py <input file> <label file> <name>
where name can besrc_generic
. Examples: ForSource Low Score
:python generic.py ../../data/labeled_source/filtered_train_labeled_sentences_low_score.txt ../../data/target/filtered_test_sentence_labels_low_score.txt src_low_score
ForTarget Low Score
:python generic.py ../../data/target/filtered_train_labeled_sentences_low_score.txt ../../data/target/filtered_test_sentence_labels_low_score.txt tgt_low_score
For the Source Generic
baseline (see our paper for details), the input file ../../data/labeled_source/filtered_train_labeled_sentences.txt
may take exceedingly long time to be processed, and a faster method is to process it in chunks, python generic.py ../../data/labeled_source/filtered_train_labeled_sentences.txt ../../data/target/filtered_test_sentence_labels.txt <chunk id> src_generic
by using chunk id from 0 to 8, then running python comb_pt.py ../../data/target/filtered_test_sentence_labels.txt 9 src_generic
to combine the processed chunks to produce the output file.
The rouge score evaluation script is included as eval_rouge.py
. Use python eval_rouge.py <generated_file> <gold_file>
to run.
The script for linearization to obtain the merge/
data is also included as merge.py
For vanilla generations, we include data in summarization/absractive/filtered_uncontrolled_data/
with names according to different source linearizaton methods:
- concat:
{train, val, test}_concat.csv
- rate-concat:
{train, val, test}_rate_concat.csv
- merge:
{train, val, test}_merge.csv
- rate-merge:
{train, val, test}_rate_concat.csv
- longest review:
{train, val, test}_longest.csv
For label controlled generation, we include data in summarization/absractive/filtered_controlled_data/
according to different source linearization method similar to vanilla generation, and according to control methods:
- sentence control: file ending with
- segment control: file ending with
We use the example code in Transformers https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/master/examples/pytorch/summarization/run_summarization.py. Transformers version: "4.6.0.dev0" please install datasets with version 1.6.2 Simply download the code from the Transformers and follow the installation instructions. When running the training script, you need to:
- specify the data file path by
--train_file <train_file_path> --validation_file <val_file_path> --test_file <test_file_path>
- specify the maximum and minimun target generation length (if using filtered files) by
--max_target_length 400 --gen_target_min 20
- specify the seed using
--seed <number>
- specify source truncation using
--max_source_length <number>
. Note default transformers only supports up to 1024 tokens.
example usage CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python run_summarization.py --model_name_or_path facebook/bart-large-cnn --do_train --do_eval --do_predict --train_file filtered_controlled_data/train_rate_concat_sent-ctrl.csv --validation_file filtered_controlled_data/val_rate_concat_sent-ctrl.csv --test_file filtered_controlled_data/test_rate_concat_sent-ctrl.csv --output_dir results/rate_concat_1024_sent-ctrl --overwrite_output_dir --per_device_train_batch_size=1 --per_device_eval_batch_size=1 --predict_with_generate --seed 0 --save_total_limit 1 --max_source_length 1024 --max_target_length 400 --gen_target_min 20
We have modified the model file to extend the input truncation for BART to more than 1024 tokens (default). You may use our modified file in summarization/absractive/modeling_utils.py
to replace the file https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/blob/master/src/transformers/modeling_utils.py if you wish to read more than 1024 tokens in the source and specify the truncation length by --max_source_length <length>
when running the training script. The specific section we modified are commented with # MReD
in modeling_utils.py
You can quickly experience the generation quality of our model at https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1VDrP34xTFXtD1VR2Ls-IoC3xCp52OT8L?usp=sharing&pli=1#scrollTo=qUpK8EEpdpp2
title={MReD: A Meta-Review Dataset for Structure-Controllable Text Generation},
author={Shen, Chenhui and Cheng, Liying and Zhou, Ran and Bing, Lidong and You, Yang and Si, Luo},
booktitle={Findings of ACL},