Particle system project from 42 school, the goal is to create a simple yet efficient particle system in a 3D environment using openGL
Before you start, here are the necessary packages to download:
sudo apt install g++ libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev freeglut3-dev \
libglew-dev libx11-dev ocl-icd-opencl-dev opencl-headers libglm-dev
'H' : Display commands
Camera commands:
'Z', 'W' : Move forward
'Q', 'A' : Move left
'S' : Move back
'D' : Move right
' ' : Move up
'V' : Move down
'C' : Toggle mouse control for camera angle
(For mouse control it will hide the mouse untill you press C again)
(Use the mouse to turn around in the simulation like in a first person shooter)
Simulation controls:
'0' : Reset simulation to the cube
'1' : Reset simulation to the sphere
Mass commands:
'M' : Toggle mass activity
'+' : Increase gravitational pull
'-' : Decrease gravitational pull (becomes a push after 0 threshold)
'U' : Increase X rotation angle for particles
'I' : Increase Y rotation angle for particles
'O' : Increase Z rotation angle for particles
'J' : Decrease X rotation angle for particles
'K' : Decrease Y rotation angle for particles
'L' : Decrease Z rotation angle for particles
'T' : Reset rotation angle to default x, y, z(0, 1, 0)
'F' : Toggle mass follow on cursor (will follow the center of the screen if mouse control is active)