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Discord bot that helps with moderation through slash commands that are built-in the bot.

ver. 0.3 Sigma



Actually setting up the bot

  1. Make a bot at the Discord developer portal and make sure to toggle the presence, server members and message content intents
  2. Invite your bot to any server here (You must have the Manage Server permission to invite bots)
  3. Open your Terminal
cd (Your folder for the repository)
git pull
npm init # Follow the process
npm i discord.js
npm i dotenv
  1. Get your bot's token and paste it into the .envexample (Make sure to actually rename the file to .env)


Do not share your bot's token with anyone as it allows a bad actor to gain full access to your bot

  1. To run your bot, type the following command into the terminal:
npm start


New commands:

  • Ban
  • Kick
  • Unban

Updated the main and deploy file