is a basic implementation of simple, lightweight in-memory key-value store built in Java
, inspired by Redis. The purpose of this project is to understand how Redis works and how basic commands are implemented. It currently supports a subset of Redis commands and is designed for learning purposes.
It is intended for learning purposes and does not aim to replicate Redis's full feature set or performance capabilities.
- SET key value: Store a value with the given key.
- GET key: Retrieve the value associated with the given key.
DEL key: Delete a key from the store.
EXISTS key: Check if a key exists.
INCR key: Increment the value of a key by 1 if it's an integer.
INCRBY key increment: Increment the value of a key by a given integer.
FLUSHALL: Clear the entire store.
Uses Redis CLI for communication.
RESP (Redis Serialization Protocol) parser for command handling.
Built with pure Java for learning purpose.
- Compile the Project :
javac -d out -sourcepath ./src/main/java ./src/main/java/com/redislite/
- Get it running :
java -cp out com.redislite.Redis