sudo apt install ros-humble-xacro ros-humble-joint-state-publisher-gui sudo apt install ros-humble-gazebo-ros-pkgs added lidar xacro containing lidar_frame adn joint as lidar_joint which publishes to /scan (topic),sensor_msgs/LaserScan
sudo apt install ros-humble-slam-toolbox /opt/ros/humble/share/slam_toolbox/config/mapper_params_online_async.yaml place this in config dir to modify ros2 launch slam_toolbox slam_params_file:=./src/diff_bot/config/mapper_params_online_async.yaml
//for mapping
odom_frame: odom
map_frame: map
base_frame: base_footprint
scan_topic: /scan
use_map_saver: true
mode: mapping #localization
# if you'd like to immediately start continuing a map at a given pose
# or at the dock, but they are mutually exclusive, if pose is given
# will use pose
#map_file_name: test_steve
# map_start_pose: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
# map_start_at_dock: true
//for localisation
odom_frame: odom
map_frame: map
base_frame: base_footprint
scan_topic: /scan
use_map_saver: true
mode: localization
# if you'd like to immediately start continuing a map at a given pose
# or at the dock, but they are mutually exclusive, if pose is given
# will use pose
map_file_name: /home/paradox-ubuntu/dev_ws/src/diff_bot/maps/maze_map_serial
# map_start_pose: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
map_start_at_dock: true
sudo apt install ros-humble-navigation2 ros-humble-nav2-bringup ros-humble-turtlebot3* // create a nav2 map_server with map.yaml loaded ros2 run nav2_map_server map_server --ros-args -p yaml_filename:=./src/diff_bot/maps/maze_map_save.yaml -p use_sim_time:=true // to activate the node ros2 run nav2_util lifecycle_bringup map_server
// now run nav2 amcl (localization algo ) ros2 run nav2_amcl amcl --ros-args -p use_sim_time:=true // to activate the node ros2 run nav2_util lifecycle_bringup amcl // now set the fixed frame in rviz to "map"
sudo apt install ros-humble-twist-mux