This project aims at visualizing the relations between different feature clusters.
Lot of times, we have multiple features and their individual clusters.
This visualization is a great way to visually analyze the co-relation between different feature clusters.
It implements Force-Directed algorithm for the graph.
Run the python program and provide as input the paths to the following three directories, respectively:
D1) Path to directory that contains files with mapping information bet
ween 2 cluster id's of 2 features
ex: ClusterMappingFiles
D2) Path to directory that contains files indicating the mapping between eve
ry node id and its cluster id, per feature
ex: NodeIdandClusterIdMapping
D3) Path to directory that contains files detailing every node id with the node's value
ex: FeatureDetails
A json file which contains processed cluster information read y to use by the html file.
You can now view your visualization by opening the html file
Note: Both the html and the json file should be saved in the same folder.