cd ~/HomeServiceRobot
source devel/setup.bash
Using gmapping for mapping our world
Using teleop_twist_keyboard to control our robot for driving through the world
2.1 Navigation stack
Using Amcl to localize the robot on the saved map
2D Nav Goal to send the goal
2.2 Pick Object
Sending multiple goals for the robot to reach
3.1 Creating the virtual object it would show the virtual object on the pickup zone, after 5 seconds, it would disappear and appear at the drop off zone
3.2 Home service First, initialize the node "pick_objects" and state = 0, and the message of goal would be published by this node.
ros::init(argc, argv, "pick_objects");
ros::NodeHandle n;
ros::Publisher state_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::Int8>("state", 100); = 0;
Next, checking the robot reached the goal or not. If it is reached the first goal, it would publish state = 1 to change the state of virtual object.
if(ac.getState() == actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState::SUCCEEDED)
ROS_INFO("Hooray, the robot has reached the first goal, pick up point: %f,%f", goal.target_pose.pose.position.x, goal.target_pose.pose.position.y); = 1;
Finally, after it has reached the first goal. It would send the second goal
// Send the goal position and orientation for the robot to reach
ROS_INFO("Going to the second goal, drop off point: %f,%f", goal.target_pose.pose.position.x, goal.target_pose.pose.position.y);
// Wait an infinite time for the results
// Check if the robot reached its goal
if(ac.getState() == actionlib::SimpleClientGoalState::SUCCEEDED)
ROS_INFO("Hooray, the robot has reached the second goal, drop off point: %f,%f", goal.target_pose.pose.position.x, goal.target_pose.pose.position.y); = 2;
For the markers part, I have built a pick_markers.cpp. The initial state is set of 0, the marker would display on the first goal.
if (state == 0)
ROS_INFO("%i", msg->data);
marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
marker.pose.position.x = 2.00;
marker.pose.position.y = 0.200;
marker.pose.position.z = 0;
// Set the scale of the marker -- 1x1x1 here means 1m on a side
marker.scale.x = 0.2;
marker.scale.y = 0.2;
marker.scale.z = 0.2;
// Set the color -- be sure to set alpha to something non-zero!
marker.color.r = 0.0f;
marker.color.g = 1.0f;
marker.color.b = 0.0f;
marker.color.a = 1.0;
marker.lifetime = ros::Duration();
Then, after the robot had arrived at the pick up zone. The State would become 1, and delete the virtual object.
else if (state == 1)
ROS_INFO("%i", msg->data);
marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::DELETE;
marker.lifetime = ros::Duration();
After 5 second, the robot would go to the drop off zone.
else if (state == 2)
ROS_INFO("%i", msg->data);
marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
marker.pose.position.x = 3.0;
marker.pose.position.y = 1.00;
marker.pose.position.z = 0;
// Set the scale of the marker -- 1x1x1 here means 1m on a side
marker.scale.x = 0.2;
marker.scale.y = 0.2;
marker.scale.z = 0.2;
// Set the color -- be sure to set alpha to something non-zero!
marker.color.r = 0.0f;
marker.color.g = 1.0f;
marker.color.b = 0.0f;
marker.color.a = 1.0;
marker.lifetime = ros::Duration();