Note: this game is still in a pre-release state, although at this point it is very playable, tested and found to be fairly stable
WARNING: please note that this is in no way an upgrade from the old 8.3.2 version, so please do not try to just copy your files over, since the installer logic has changed and you would just crash your old version
Quick links:
- Download and Updates »»
- Wiki
- Game Mechanics
- The Making Of - YouTube Videos about this project
- Donate to TravianZ
Minimum requirements:
- PHP 7.0.0+
- MySQL Community Server 5.5+
- or alternatively, MariaDB 5.5+
- Runs fine on Ubuntu 20, Apache2 2.4, MySQL Server 8.0 and PHP 7.4
Dedicated or shared hosting?
We strongly recommend using a dedicated hosting for this game. Big Travian servers used to host thousands of players and the original servers still had about 300ms page display time. The legacy code in this clone (which was created in 2013) is right now doing about 400 MySQL queries (questions to the database) per single page refresh - which is usually well beyond what most shared hostings can support with a big enough player base.
Support & Bug reports
We are usually available to chat at our Gitter channel, if you like to ask any questions or just talk to the developers about how great their day is today :) As for bug reports, please use the Issues tab and create new issue, whether it's an error in game or you have a feature request to be included in the play.
The team
- Shadowss - project owner and an occasional developer / tester
- iopietro - alumni developer
- AL-Kateb - alumni developer
- martinambrus - alumni developer
- Vladyslav - rigorous game tester
- phaze1G - game designer / css support
Many thanks to all those who recently played around with the project and tested it both, locally and on their own servers. This includes ZZJHONS, DracoMilesX, phaze1G , martinambrus and many others who were too shy to let us know that they use and enjoy running this game :)
Also, our thanks go to all both, the original and occasional developers, especially yi12345, advocaite, brainiacX, ronix, MisterX, Elio and many others who were part of this project's history.
Last but not least, our thanks go to JetBrains for lending us a one-year full-featured open-source PHPStorm (and other products) license! Thanks guys, you're awesome :)