Some collections of tool classes (zh: 一些工具类集合: 后台保活/显示模式/身份验证/文件管理/GCD计时器/区域监测/语言管理/位置定位/加载SFSymbol图标)
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
- iOS 12.0 or later
- Swift 5.9.2
- Xcode 15.1
SFServiceKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SFServiceKit'
pod 'SFServiceKit', :subspecs => ['Full']
If you want to use the latest features of SFServiceKit use normal external source dependencies.
pod 'SFServiceKit', :git => ''
SFServiceKit has created sub libraries, if you only want to use one of them, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
# 后台保活,可自定义时长
pod 'SFServiceKit/Bgtask'
# 显示模式
pod 'SFServiceKit/Display'
# 身份验证
pod 'SFServiceKit/Author'
# 文件管理
pod 'SFServiceKit/File'
# GCD计时器
pod 'SFServiceKit/Timer'
# 区域监测
pod 'SFServiceKit/IBeacon'
# 语言管理
pod 'SFServiceKit/Language'
# 位置定位
pod 'SFServiceKit/Location'
# 加载SF Symbol图标
pod 'SFServiceKit/Symbol'
# 内购
pod 'SFServiceKit/IAP'
or use subspecs, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SFServiceKit', :subspecs => ['Bgtask', 'Display', 'Author', 'File', 'Timer', 'IBeacon', 'Language', 'Location', 'Symbol', 'IAP']
2024.10.14, 0.1.7
- fix bug(zh: 修复bug)
2024.08.13, 0.1.6
- add iap manager(zh: 新增内购管理类)
2024.07.31, 0.1.5
- update podspec and optimized the subspecs(zh: 优化配置子库)
2024.07.18, 0.1.4
- code optimize(zh: 代码优化)
2024.07.16, 0.1.2、0.1.3
- update readme and fix bug(zh: 更新readme、修改bug)
2024.07.15, 0.1.1
- Initial version(zh: 初始版本)
Sfh03031, [email protected]
SFServiceKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.