This plugin allows players on the server to start a votekick to democratically remove problem users. A number of useful config variables are included. Also includes a handy whitelist mode for restricting access to votekick to a group of people.
Note that when the plugin is calculating the minimum total votes needed to kick, it takes the maximum of "Minimum Votes" and "Minimum Votes (Percent of Server Pop)".
Besides that, everything is explained in the tool tips when you hover over the config names.
Credit to Voximity for lots of programming help. Credit to Voximity, Plad, FlavouredGames, Phyllean, and others for testing.
omegga install gh:SeventhSandwich/VoteKick
/votekick [Name]
alternatively: /vk [Name]
/cancelvote (only usable by host or person who called the vote)
/vkYes (vote yes)
/vkNo (vote no)