When you create an EC2 windows the password will remain the same for the whole life of the machine. It can be rotated automatically with this module
This module is a dependencie of https://registry.terraform.io/modules/giuseppeborgese/windows-password-rotation-secret-manager/
Full guide on https://medium.com/@giuseppeborgese/aws-windows-password-rotation-with-custom-secret-manager-92f95f44aa40
- The ec2 machine is already created and needs to have a role with a policy ssm arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEC2RoleforSSM
- The SSM needs to work on the machines if it is not the password is not replaced and the old one with pem key remains, nothing brokes.
- To change a password it is not necessary to know the previous password because SSM runs as a daemon.
Using the terraform modules it will be created
- One lambda function for account and region
- For each machine a secret manager record, all the records call the same functions.
Create one lambda function for each region you are working on. Using this code
module "windows-password-lambda-rotation" {
source = "giuseppeborgese/windows-password-lambda-rotation/aws"
prefix = "pep"
- Before applying the rotation try to run a simple command like this to the machine, to see if ssm commands can run, check the output in the run command history
aws ssm send-command --instance-ids i-xxxxxxxxx --document-name AWS-RunPowerShellScript --parameters commands="dir c:"
- For each EC2 Windows machine create a new secret manager record and connected to the function using this code
module "windows-password-rotation-secret-manager2019" {
source = "giuseppeborgese/windows-password-rotation-secret-manager/aws"
secret_name_prefix = "vault_"
instanceid = "i-xxxxxx"
rotation_lambda_arn = "${module.windows-password-lambda-rotation.lambda_arn}"
- You can rotate the password manually using the rotation button or wait the numbers of days defined
- You can still recover the old password from the web console but it will NOT work
** Youtube video I did a full creation and configuration in this video
so you can see all the details and don’t miss anything. There is also a troubleshooting phase.
This image describes all the steps every time there is a rotation manual or automatic
Let's read in details:
- The secret manager record triggers a lambda function passing its parameters.
- The Lambda extract the instance id from the called record and generates a new password with the predefined criteria
- The lambda stores the new password in the original Secret Manager record using the default key aws/secretsmanager
- The Lambda stores encrypted the password in the system manager parameter store using the default key aws/ssm
- The lambda runs a call to SSM run command this runs a PowerShell command in the EC2 machine.
- The EC2 machine recovers the password from parameter store by Powershell
- The lambda deletes the password from the parameter store.
You cannot pass the password as a parameter in the shell script because it will be shown in cleartext the System Manager log, it has to “travel” between services always encrypted.
if you like this module leave a comment or a thumbs up in the youtube video or in the medium article.