Welcome to pickeez backend for managing Pickeez data.
Important routes, in expected chronological order of usage (HTTP GET unless otherwise specified):
'/fb' - will redirect you (in browser) to approve app (temporary app. ID: 311069229089167).
- hit this route with the code after app-aproval on FB
- will create user if non-existent, and return pickeez token. Send this token in any further request.
- this route is redirected to after hitting route '/fb' in browser.
'/me' - will return the user pickeez identifies as sending the request. Send with pickeez token, as in '/me?token=wqQjsY0j4-3biVLi8C0EYwCa18RFzzBrNqBVduipoo-w'
POST '/albums/create' - creates an album, returns created album_id. You may also supply an 'album_local_id' parameter.
POST '/albums/123?name=donkey' - updates album 123 with params sent, such as 'name'. (Send post params in body request, of course.) You can also update fields like 'local_album_id'.
to delete album, supply parameter 'deleted=true' to this call.
'/albums/mine' - returns list of albums belonging to requesting user.
POST '/photos/' - add a photo. Required params are 's3_path' and a valid album_id. You may also send 's3_server_id' and 'photo_local_id' and 'photo_creation_date' and 'local_creation_date'..
'/albums/123' - gets album with its photos, grouped by users.
POST '/set_phone?phone=4567' - sets phone number of requesting user to 4567. (Does not yet send SMS.)
POST '/resend_code_sms' - resends the code as an sms.
POST '/confirm_phone?code=3456' - marks phone number as confirmed if code is correct.
POST "phones[]=555&phones[]=777" '/albums/123/invite_phones' - invites phones 555 and 777 to album 123. Adding parameter "remove=true" removes each of these phones instead of adding them (which has the effect of deleting a user from album). If added later, their photos will be re-added.
POST '/albums/123/delete' - deletes that album. (Actually only marks it as deleted so it won't be retrieved when calling list of albums).
POST '/albums/123/viewed' - adds the sending user to list of users marked that have viewed this album.
POST '/delete_me?sure=yes' - deletes this user and all albums he is the owner of.
log out (client side only, remove token)
POST '/set_pic_url?pic_url=blabla' - set user pic url by 'pic_url' param.
// new routes, March 2015:
POST /albums/3573/done_uploading - to signify album is ready to be processed
POST "album_local_id=123" /albums/7762/set_album_local_id (to set album_local_id)
POST "type=like" /photos/7762/set_filter (or "type=dislike")
POST "photo_local_id=123" /photos/7762/set_photo_local_id (to set photo_local_id)
POST /photos/7762/delete - remove photo
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"rectangles": [{"x": 1, "y": 2, "width": 3, "height": 4}, {"x": 5.1, "y": 6, "width": 7, "height": 8} ], "detected_faces_data": {"face": "yes", "eyes": "no"} }' "pickeezmetadata.com/photos/9432/set_faces_data"
POST /photos/4092/set_faces_data
$ curl -g "www.pickeezmetadata.com/users/which_phones_registered?phones[]=10&phones[]=20"
/users/which_phones_registered usage example: GET www.pickeezmetadata.com/users/which_phones_registered?phones[]=972522934321&phones[]=20&token=TOKEN
$ curl -d "field=send_push_notifs&val=false" localhost:9292/set_fields $ curl -d "field=push_notif_token&val=123abc" localhost:9292/set_fields
/set_fields (to set push notification setting and token)
// data for invite page:
/invite_page?album_id=ID -> returns a JSON with album data for invite page.
$.get('http://pickeezmetadata.com/invite_page?album_id=hvg23nsg49679',function(s) { console.log(s)})
// ALGO part (For Uri and Gidi)
IMPORTANT: In all of the 'algo' routes, you must supply a URL param called 'password' with the correct value. (Ask Sella.)
/users/algo/pending_model - returns user for which there is no model, along with his profile pics and tagged pics. If you pass a "forced_user_id" parameter it will force this user (and not mark his model when done). E.g.: http://pickeezmetadata.com/users/algo/pending_model?forced_user_id=hwh9qclckg846
Models are set to 'empty' when a user is created, and set to non-nil after being called on 'pending'. You can set the as whatever you want by /model/set, below. You can also set ALL user models as pending using the following route:
/users/algo/model/get - pass parameter 'user_id' to get that user's model. Pass 'limit' to set number of pics to retrieve (default is 100). Pass param 'forced_user_id' to force that user_id (and not update 'pending' status or model).
POST /users/algo/model/set - pass 'user_id' (string) and 'model' (JSON) parameters to set that model for that user.
/albums/algo/get_pending - gets next pending album.
GET /albums/algo/remove_pending - removes list of pending albums.
albums/algo/all_pending - debugging route, shows you list of pending albums (but does not update when taking one.)
albums/algo/set_all_as_pending - sets every single existing album as pending.
Integration example (if you are unfamiliar with cURL, LMK.)
- Go to www.pickeezmetadata.com/fb (in browser) and get your user TOKEN.
- $ curl www.pickeezmetadata.com/albums/algo/all_pending?password=PASSWORD - no pending albums (debugging route)
- $ curl www.pickeezmetadata.com/albums/algo/get_pending - empty
- $ curl -d "token=TOKEN" www.pickeezmetadata.com/albums/create - get ALBUM_ID
- $ curl -d "s3_path=123&album_id=ALBUM_ID&token=TOKEN" www.pickeezmetadata.com/photos/
- $ curl www.pickeezmetadata.com/albums/algo/get_pending?password=PASSWORD - empty (60 seconds not passed, and not marked as done_uploading)
- $ curl www.pickeezmetadata.com/albums/algo/all_pending?password=PASSWORD - see there is a pending album, but its time_updated is not old enough.
- Now wait 60 seconds, and then call:
- $ curl www.pickeezmetadata.com/albums/algo/get_pending?password=PASSWORD - gets the album
- $ (call get_pending again) - nothing there now.
Repeat all the steps and this time instead of waiting 60 seconds, call
- $ curl -d "token=TOKEN" "www.pickeezmetadata.com/albums/ALBUM_ID/done_uploading"
- $ curl www.pickeezmetadata.com/albums/algo/all_pending?password=PASSWORD - see album's state has changed to 'done uploading'
- $ curl www.pickeezmetadata.com/albums/algo/get_pending?password=PASSWORD - gets the album
- $ (call get_pending again) - nothing there now.
POST 'photos/algo/set' curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"photos": {"photo_id": {"user_id_1": true, "user_id_2": false }}}' "www.pickeezmetadata.com/photos/algo/set"
Integration example:
create album (ALBUM_ID) and photo (PHOTO_ID) with your TOKEN.
curl www.pickeezmetadata.com/albums/ALBUM_ID - make sure your photo is in the album
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"photos": {"PHOTO_ID": {"USER_ID": true }}}' "www.pickeezmetadata.com/photos/algo/set?password=PASSWORD"
curl www.pickeezmetadata.com/photos/PHOTO_ID to make sure the photo has the filters.
curl www.pickeezmetadata.com/albums/ALBUM_ID to make sure the album reflects the photo filters.
TBD: Sending push notifs.