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Welcome to pickeez backend for managing Pickeez data.

Important routes, in expected chronological order of usage (HTTP GET unless otherwise specified):

'/fb' - will redirect you (in browser) to approve app (temporary app. ID: 311069229089167).


  • hit this route with the code after app-aproval on FB
  • will create user if non-existent, and return pickeez token. Send this token in any further request.
  • this route is redirected to after hitting route '/fb' in browser.

'/me' - will return the user pickeez identifies as sending the request. Send with pickeez token, as in '/me?token=wqQjsY0j4-3biVLi8C0EYwCa18RFzzBrNqBVduipoo-w'

POST '/albums/create' - creates an album, returns created album_id. You may also supply an 'album_local_id' parameter.

POST '/albums/123?name=donkey' - updates album 123 with params sent, such as 'name'. (Send post params in body request, of course.) You can also update fields like 'local_album_id'.

to delete album, supply parameter 'deleted=true' to this call.

'/albums/mine' - returns list of albums belonging to requesting user.

POST '/photos/' - add a photo. Required params are 's3_path' and a valid album_id. You may also send 's3_server_id' and 'photo_local_id' and 'photo_creation_date' and 'local_creation_date'..

'/albums/123' - gets album with its photos, grouped by users.

POST '/set_phone?phone=4567' - sets phone number of requesting user to 4567. (Does not yet send SMS.)

POST '/resend_code_sms' - resends the code as an sms.

POST '/confirm_phone?code=3456' - marks phone number as confirmed if code is correct.

POST "phones[]=555&phones[]=777" '/albums/123/invite_phones' - invites phones 555 and 777 to album 123. Adding parameter "remove=true" removes each of these phones instead of adding them (which has the effect of deleting a user from album). If added later, their photos will be re-added.

POST '/albums/123/delete' - deletes that album. (Actually only marks it as deleted so it won't be retrieved when calling list of albums).

POST '/albums/123/viewed' - adds the sending user to list of users marked that have viewed this album.

POST '/delete_me?sure=yes' - deletes this user and all albums he is the owner of.

log out (client side only, remove token)

POST '/set_pic_url?pic_url=blabla' - set user pic url by 'pic_url' param.

// new routes, March 2015:

POST /albums/3573/done_uploading - to signify album is ready to be processed

POST "album_local_id=123" /albums/7762/set_album_local_id (to set album_local_id)

POST "type=like" /photos/7762/set_filter (or "type=dislike")

POST "photo_local_id=123" /photos/7762/set_photo_local_id (to set photo_local_id)

POST /photos/7762/delete - remove photo

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"rectangles": [{"x": 1, "y": 2, "width": 3, "height": 4}, {"x": 5.1, "y": 6, "width": 7, "height": 8} ], "detected_faces_data": {"face": "yes", "eyes": "no"} }' ""

verify by

POST /photos/4092/set_faces_data

$ curl -g "[]=10&phones[]=20"

/users/which_phones_registered usage example: GET[]=972522934321&phones[]=20&token=TOKEN

$ curl -d "field=send_push_notifs&val=false" localhost:9292/set_fields $ curl -d "field=push_notif_token&val=123abc" localhost:9292/set_fields

/set_fields (to set push notification setting and token)

// data for invite page:

/invite_page?album_id=ID -> returns a JSON with album data for invite page.

$.get('',function(s) { console.log(s)})

// ALGO part (For Uri and Gidi)

IMPORTANT: In all of the 'algo' routes, you must supply a URL param called 'password' with the correct value. (Ask Sella.)

/users/algo/pending_model - returns user for which there is no model, along with his profile pics and tagged pics. If you pass a "forced_user_id" parameter it will force this user (and not mark his model when done). E.g.:

Models are set to 'empty' when a user is created, and set to non-nil after being called on 'pending'. You can set the as whatever you want by /model/set, below. You can also set ALL user models as pending using the following route:


/users/algo/model/get - pass parameter 'user_id' to get that user's model. Pass 'limit' to set number of pics to retrieve (default is 100). Pass param 'forced_user_id' to force that user_id (and not update 'pending' status or model).

POST /users/algo/model/set - pass 'user_id' (string) and 'model' (JSON) parameters to set that model for that user.

/albums/algo/get_pending - gets next pending album.

GET /albums/algo/remove_pending - removes list of pending albums.

albums/algo/all_pending - debugging route, shows you list of pending albums (but does not update when taking one.)

albums/algo/set_all_as_pending - sets every single existing album as pending.

Integration example (if you are unfamiliar with cURL, LMK.)

Repeat all the steps and this time instead of waiting 60 seconds, call

POST 'photos/algo/set' curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"photos": {"photo_id": {"user_id_1": true, "user_id_2": false }}}' ""

Integration example:

TBD: Sending push notifs.


Pickeez RB BE.






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