A Helm chart for creating a Selenium Grid Server in Kubernetes
✔️ selenium-grid-0.36.5
- Chart is using image tag 4.25.0-20241024
- Chart is tested on Kubernetes versions: v1.25.16, v1.26.15, v1.27.16, v1.28.15, v1.29.10, v1.30.6, v1.31.2,
- Chart is tested on container runtime Docker versions: 24.0.9, 24.0.9, 24.0.9, 24.0.9, 25.0.5, 26.1.4, 27.2.0,
- Chart is tested on Helm versions: v3.10.3, v3.11.3, v3.12.3, v3.13.3, v3.14.3, v3.15.4, v3.16.1,
- Update tag 4.25.0-20241024 in docs and files :: Selenium CI Bot42a7ecdb
- Update log timestamp in custom scripts align with supervisord (#2441) :: Viet Nguyen Duc
- Selenium Grid Scaler implementation preview. README