Auto deploy HAproxy and keepalived by ansible offline
- Centos7
- Ansible. Tested on 2.6.0
- HAproxy 1.8.12
- Keepalived 2.0.5
- Preparing tree(or five ...) hosts,and make sure the Ansible installed in the hosts(at least one). If you could not install Ansible on line,you can click me to download all the rpm packages to your hosts.
tar -xvf ansible.tar
cd ansible && yum install *.rpm -y
- All of the hosts could install openssl-devel,pcre-devel,make,gcc,socat through yum.
- The host what run the program can ssh to te target hosts without password.
- Edit ansible_hosts file
- Edit ha_vars/main.yml
- Run playbook.
ansible-playbook main.yaml -i ansible_hosts
keepalived_bind_interface: eth0
keepalived_major_version: 2.0
keepalived_minor_version: 5
keepalived_src_dir: /tmp/kube_deploy
keepalived_prefix_dir: /opt/ha/keepalived
keepalived_conf_dir: /etc/keepalived
haproxy_bind_port: 443
haproxy_user: haproxy
haproxy_group: haproxy
haproxy_auth_name: admin
haproxy_auth_pass: cloudos
haproxy_major_version: 1.8
haproxy_minor_version: 12
haproxy_src_dir: /tmp/kube_deploy
haproxy_prefix_dir: /opt/ha/haproxy
haproxy_conf_dir: /etc/haproxy
haproxy_make_option: TARGET=linux2628 CPU=x86_64 USE_OPENSSL=1 USE_ZLIB=1 USE_PCRE=1
- { name: 'k8s-api-1', ip: "", port: "6443"}
- { name: 'k8s-api-2', ip: "", port: "6443"}
- { name: 'k8s-api-3', ip: "", port: "6443"}