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doug edited this page Feb 12, 2019 · 14 revisions

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If you have multiple CPU cores, Setup will automatically ask you how many PF_RING instances you'd like for Snort/Suricata (IDS engine processes) and Bro and will tell you how to adjust after the fact. As of securityonion-setup - 20120912-0ubuntu0securityonion201, Setup should analyze your system and recommend a certain number of PF_RING instances:


If you want to change the number of PF_RING instances after running Setup, you can do the following.


  • Stop sensor processes:
    sudo nsm_sensor_ps-stop
  • Edit /etc/nsm/$HOSTNAME-$INTERFACE/sensor.conf and change the IDS_LB_PROCS variable to desired number of cores.
  • Start sensor processes:
    sudo nsm_sensor_ps-start

If running Snort, the script automatically spawns $IDS_LB_PROCS instances of Snort (using PF_RING), barnyard2, and snort_agent.

If running Suricata, the script automatically copies $IDS_LB_PROCS into suricata.yaml and then Suricata spins up the PF_RING instances itself.


For Bro, you would do the following:

  • Stop bro:
    sudo nsm_sensor_ps-stop --only-bro
  • Edit /opt/bro/etc/node.cfg and change the lb_procs variable to the desired number of cores.
  • Start bro:
    sudo nsm_sensor_ps-start --only-bro


If you've already run Setup and want to modify min_num_slots, you can manually create/edit /etc/modprobe.d/pf_ring.conf.

For example, to increase min_num_slots to 65534, do the following:
echo "options pf_ring transparent_mode=0 min_num_slots=65534" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/pf_ring.conf

After creating/editing /etc/modprobe.d/pf_ring.conf, you'll need to reload the PF_RING module as follows (or just reboot):
sudo nsm_sensor_ps-stop sudo rmmod pf_ring
sudo nsm_sensor_ps-start


Please see the Upgrade page for notes on updating the PF_RING kernel module.

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