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doug edited this page Feb 12, 2019 · 24 revisions

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Kibana lets you visualize your Elasticsearch data and navigate the Elastic Stack, so you can do anything from learning why you're getting paged at 2:00 a.m. to understanding the impact rain might have on your quarterly numbers.


  • Configuration files for Kibana can be found in /etc/kibana/.

  • Other configuration options for Kibana can be found in /etc/nsm/securityonion.conf.

  • Kibana logs can be found in /var/log/kibana/.


Kibana uses multiple hyperlinked fields to accelerate investigations and decision-making:


When present, clicking the _id field allows an analyst to pivot to transcript via CapMe.

Indicator Dashboard

When present, clicking these fields allows an analyst to pivot to the Indicator dashboard, where a variety of information is presented relative to the term:value.



To add a plugin to Kibana, you can expose the plugins directory to the host filesystem and then copy your plugins to that directory. For example, to load the kbn_network plugin you can do something like this:

Create a directory in the host filesystem to store plugins:

sudo mkdir -p /nsm/kibana/plugins

Download plugin to that directory:

wget -qO- | sudo tar xvJ -C /nsm/kibana/plugins

Modify Kibana options to mount that directory into the container:

sudo sed -i 's|KIBANA_OPTIONS=""|KIBANA_OPTIONS="--volume /nsm/kibana/plugins:/usr/share/kibana/plugins:ro"|g' /etc/nsm/securityonion.conf

Restart Kibana:

sudo so-kibana-restart

Search Results

Search results in the dashboards and through Discover are limited to the first 10 results for a particular query. If you don't feel like this is adequate after narrowing your search, you can adjust the value for discover:sampleSize in Kibana by navigating to Management > Advanced Settings and changing the value. It may be best to change this value incrementally to see how it affects performance.

Search Request Timeout

Sometimes searches can timeout in Kibana. To increase the timeout value to wait longer for results from Elasticsearch, we can adjust the value for elasticsearch.requestTimeout in /etc/kibana/kibana.yml and restart Kibana.

For example to increase the timeout from the default of 30 seconds to 90 seconds:

sudo vi /etc/kibana/kibana.yml

Add the following line:

elasticsearch.requestTimeout: 90000

Restart Kibana:

sudo so-kibana-restart

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