This is a fault injection framework designed to inject faults into Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) protocols.
It allows users to define a set of faults (referred to as fault schedule) that are injected into the target application at runtime.
The Hermes fault injection framework is designed to test and validate BFT protocols/applications. It monitors the state of the protocol's replicas and clients and manages fault injection based on their state.
State monitoring is accomplished by Monitors. These attach to replicas and clients using Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP).
A central Coordinator reads a user defined global fault schedule and is responsible for managing the monitors. Monitors register themselves with the Coordinator and retrieve their fault schedule.
Users can define a global fault schedule using either a .json
on .yaml
A global fault schedule is a set of monitor configurations that include:
- the monitor identifier;
- the target bft replica/client it attaches to;
- if it should notify/update the coordinator after each fault; and,
- the monitor's fault schedule
The structure of a fault schedule is presented next:
schedule: # a list of monitor information and respective fault schedules
- monitor_id: <id>
target: <relica/client id>
- fault_type: <fault type>
fault_trigger_conditions: # the conditions required for injectig this fault
consensus_id: <consensus id>
view_id: <view id>
protocol: <protocol>
protocol_phase: <protocol_phase>
fault_arguments: # additional arguments needed for each specific fault
An example of a Fault Schedule presented next:
- monitor_id: 0
target: replica_0
- fault_type: DelayFault # delay message fault
consensus_id: 80
view_id: -1
protocol: 'CONSENSUS'
protocol_phase: 'PROPOSE'
delay_duration: 1000 # amount of time to delay the replica
consecutive_rounds: 20 # number of consecutive rounds
- fault_type: DropFault # drop message fault
consensus_id: 100
view_id: -1
protocol: 'CONSENSUS'
protocol_phase: 'PROPOSE'
to: 2
consecutive_rounds: 20
- fault_type: DropFault # drop message fault
consensus_id: 100
view_id: -1
protocol: 'CONSENSUS'
protocol_phase: 'WRITE'
to: 2
consecutive_rounds: 20
- fault_type: DropFault # drop message fault
consensus_id: 100
view_id: -1
protocol: 'CONSENSUS'
protocol_phase: 'ACCEPT'
to: 2
consecutive_rounds: 20
- fault_type: DuplicateFault # duplicate message fault
consensus_id: 101
view_id: -1
protocol: 'CONSENSUS'
protocol_phase: 'PROPOSE'
to: 3
consecutive_rounds: 20
- fault_type: CrashFault # crash node fault
consensus_id: 105
- monitor_id: 1
target: replica_1
- fault_type: DelayFault
consensus_id: 80
view_id: -1
protocol: 'CONSENSUS'
protocol_phase: 'WRITE'
delay_duration: 1000
consecutive_rounds: 20
- monitor_id: 2
target: replica_2
fault_schedule: [] # empty fault schedule
- monitor_id: 3
target: replica_3
fault_schedule: [] # empty fault schedule
- monitor_id: 1001
target: client_1001
- fault_type: Only2Primary
consensus_id: 80
view_id: -1
protocol: 'CONSENSUS'
protocol_phase: 'REQUEST'
- fault_type: Only2Secondaries
consensus_id: 81
view_id: -1
protocol: 'CONSENSUS'
protocol_phase: 'REQUEST'
- Coordinator services definitions
- fault injection framework
- target BFT protocol/application (in this case BFT-SMaRt)
Type ./gradlew build
in the main directory to build the project. The required jar files and default configuration files will be available in the build/install/library
Type ./gradlew localDeploy
in the main directory to locally deploy the project.
Type ./gradlew installDist
in the main directory to locally install Hermes.
- Use bft_home environment variable for handling bft_smart path
export bft_home="path/to/project"
- Coordinator
java -Duser.dir="$bft_home/build/install/library/""$bft_home/build/install/library/config/" -Dlogback.configurationFile="$bft_home/build/install/library/config/logback.xml" -cp ".:$bft_home/build/install/library/:$bft_home/build/install/library/lib/*" zermia.coordinator.ZermiaCoordinatorMain schedule.yaml
Example for running a concurrent version of BFTCounterClient (original -> single threaded; new -> multithreaded)
- Server 0
java -Duser.dir="$bft_home/build/local/rep0/""$bft_home/build/local/rep0/config/" -Dlogback.configurationFile="$bft_home/build/local/rep0/config/logback.xml" -cp ".:$bft_home/build/local/rep0/:$bft_home/build/local/rep0/lib/*" bftsmart.demo.counter.BFTCounterServer 0
- Server 1
java -Duser.dir="$bft_home/build/local/rep1/""$bft_home/build/local/rep1/config/" -Dlogback.configurationFile="$bft_home/build/local/rep1/config/logback.xml" -cp ".:$bft_home/build/local/rep1/:$bft_home/build/local/rep1/lib/*" bftsmart.demo.counter.BFTCounterServer 1
- Server 2
java -Duser.dir="$bft_home/build/local/rep2/""$bft_home/build/local/rep2/config/" -Dlogback.configurationFile="$bft_home/build/local/rep2/config/logback.xml" -cp ".:$bft_home/build/local/rep2/:$bft_home/build/local/rep2/lib/*" bftsmart.demo.counter.BFTCounterServer 2
- Server 1
java -Duser.dir="$bft_home/build/local/rep3/""$bft_home/build/local/rep3/config/" -Dlogback.configurationFile="$bft_home/build/local/rep3/config/logback.xml" -cp ".:$bft_home/build/local/rep3/:$bft_home/build/local/rep3/lib/*" bftsmart.demo.counter.BFTCounterServer 3
- Client
CounterClient <client id> <increment value> [<number of operations>] [<number of clients>]
java -Duser.dir="$bft_home/build/local/cli0/""$bft_home/build/local/cli0/config/" -Dlogback.configurationFile="$bft_home/build/local/cli0/config/logback.xml" -cp ".:$bft_home/build/local/cli0/:$bft_home/build/local/cli0/lib/*" bftsmart.demo.counter.CounterClient 1001 1 100 3
- Injecting Faults in Byzantine Fault Tolerance Protocols
- ZERMIA - A Fault Injector Framework for Testing Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocols. 15th Network and System Security 2022. Find it here or here
- Experiences with Fault-Injection in a Byzantine Fault-Tolerant Protocol. 14th International Middleware Conference (Middleware). Find it here
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!