Content for the Autonomous Creator Organisation (ACO) - the body - and SecretDecks (SD) - the soul.
Here we're tracking issues/tasks revolving around contentwriting.
Until we have the contribution tracking and value attribution automated, we need to process this half manually. Hence each member is required to please fill this out on a monthly beasis. Simply click the above link, select "Get started", enter the current month, year and your name and your personal monthly template is ready for you to fill out.
Talk about ideas, discuss issues, raise questions or introduce your Self here in the DAT.
- Know Thy Self
- What is Tarot (short)? What is an AAO (short)? How do they come together in SecretDecks?
- Why is Tarot important today?
- Why SecretDecks®?
- Whats an AAO (detail)
- TEASER: Apps 1-3
SecretDecks is the soul of the autonomous creator organisation we're currently creating. Like a brand to a company, it generates value external to the inherent value of the organisation and can thus help to sustain and nourish it in a transcendental way.
SecretDecks® is acting as the seed catalysing a new kind of endeavour, called a Autonomus Creator Organization - ACO for short.