Jumia News is a news page that keeps you updated with the news published by the New York Times
- Node >= 12.4
Main technologies
To run this project, install it locally using npm:
npm install
You can change the information in the .env
file to a new one or use the variables that were already set
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:9000 to view it in your browser.
npm run dev
Builds the app for production to the dist
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
npm run build:prod
Builds the app for develop to the dist
npm run build:dev
Launches the Jest test runner in the interactive watch mode.
npm run test
Launches the Cypress test runner
The project must be running to be able to run these tests
npm run e2e-test
If you want to know more about the behaviour of an especific component please check the folder of the component, there is a .md
file with information about the component