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PR from branch feature-570-add-document-field-event-detail-page-1 #818

PR from branch feature-570-add-document-field-event-detail-page-1

PR from branch feature-570-add-document-field-event-detail-page-1 #818

Workflow file for this run

# Pull request workflow to run CI on PRs.
# Triggered on opened or reopened pull requests.
# Defines one job that reuses the ci.yml workflow.
# ci.yml will run lint, tests, coverage, build for the PR.
name: CI (on pull-request)
run-name: PR from branch ${{ github.head_ref }}
# Will run CI workflow on an opened or reopened PR for easy reference. For compilation, unit tests, code coverage etc.
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened]
- '**.tsx' # Run CI on PRs that change .tsx files.
- '**.ts' # Run CI on PRs that change .ts files.
- '**.jsx' # Run CI on PRs that change .jsx files.
- 'app/**/*' # Run CI on PRs that change files in the app folder.
- 'components/**/*' # Run CI on PRs that change files in the components folder.
- 'styles/**/*' # Run CI on PRs that change files in the styles folder.
- '**/*.md' # Run CI on PRs that change .md files.
# Add more paths here if needed.
name: on pull request
uses: ./.github/workflows/ci.yml
# set_status_check:
# needs: Continuous-Integration # This job depends on the previous job
# if: always() # tells it to run even if it fails that way we can get the status check
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - name: Set GitHub Status Check
# run: |
# STATE="success"
# if [[ "${{ needs.Continuous-Integration.result }}" != "success" ]]; then
# STATE="failure"
# fi
# curl -X POST \
# -H "Authorization: token ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}" \
# -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \
#${{ github.sha }} \
# -d "{
# \"state\": \"$STATE\",
# \"context\": \"ci.yml\",
# \"description\": \"CI $STATE\",
# \"target_url\": \"${{ github.run_id }}\"
# }"