A robot controller app for the Arduino101 board with an Adafruit v2 motor shield. Download on Google Play
Here's a demo robot on Thingiverse (has an old version of the app and Arduino code).
There are two parts to this: an Android app, written with MIT App Inventor 2, serving as a remote control for the robot; and an Arduino sketch that receives signals from the controller over Bluetooth and moves motors accordingly. The app allows customization of the controls for moving motors and for driving. It also has a rudimentary scripting language; see the ArdroidScript
You will need App Inventor 2 to compile the app to an APK. For more information, see theming/README.md
Download the Arduino IDE
Download the
file from this repository. It must be in a folder calledardroid
(all lowercase). -
Go to Tools Menu > Board > Boards Manager... and install "Intel Curie Boards." DON'T install the newest version! Install version 1.0.6.
Change the board type to "Arduino/Genuino 101"
Go to Sketch > Include Library > Manage Libraries... and install "Adafruit Motor Shield V2 Library."
If you are on Linux, open a terminal and run:
cd ~/.arduino15/packages/Intel/tools/arduino101load/1.6.9+1.28/scripts sudo ./create_dfu_udev_rule sudo usermod -a -G dialout YOUR_USER_NAME
and log out and log back in.
Plug in the Arduino, select the correct port in the Tools > Port menu, and upload your sketch by clicking the Upload button (right arrow in the top left corner).